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Protecting Cryptocurrency and NFTs During Divorce in Nevada

Understanding Crypto and Divorce in Nevada: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to the bright lights and significant decisions of Las Vegas, where real-life dramas unfold alongside the famous Strip, especially when it comes to divorce. In the Silver State, where marriage and divorce laws are as unique as the landscape, we’re seeing a new player in town: cryptocurrency. It’s digital, it’s decentralized, and it’s increasingly part of asset division in divorces.


Cryptocurrency, or ‘crypto’ for short, might seem like a game of high-stakes poker, but it’s genuine and can significantly impact your divorce. Whether you’re a crypto enthusiast or discovering that ‘Bitcoin’ isn’t a new casino, understanding how it fits into your divorce is crucial.

Basics of Cryptocurrency

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what cryptocurrency is:

  • Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual money that uses cryptography for security. It’s decentralized and doesn’t rely on banks or traditional financial systems.

Here’s a quick rundown of the crypto basics:

  • Bitcoin: The first and most well-known cryptocurrency.
  • Ethereum: Another popular type of crypto known for its smart contract functionality.
  • Wallets: Where you store your cryptocurrency. They can be digital apps or physical devices.
  • Exchanges: Online platforms where you can buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrency.

Two people discussing the division of cryptocurrency assets during a marital asset negotiation.
Cryptocurrency and Marital Assets

In Nevada, the law likes to keep things fair when splitting up your stuff in a divorce. But how does this work with crypto? Well, it’s all about figuring out if your crypto is marital property or separate property:

  • Marital Property: Stuff you and your spouse got while you were married. This is usually split between both parties.
  • Separate Property: Stuff you had before you got married or received as a gift or inheritance. This usually stays with the person who owns it.

So, where does crypto fit in? If you bought or mined it during your marriage, it will probably be considered marital property. But if you had a Bitcoin wallet before you said “I do,” it might be separate property.

Valuation of Cryptocurrency in Divorce

One of the trickiest parts of dealing with cryptocurrency in divorce is figuring out what it’s worth. Crypto values can swing wildly from one day to the next, making it a roller coaster ride when trying to agree on a deal.

Here are the main challenges:

  • Volatility: Crypto prices can change fast, meaning the value when you start your divorce might differ significantly from when you finish.
  • Valuation Date: Deciding on the specific crypto value date can make a big difference.
  • Experts: Sometimes, you must bring in a financial expert who understands the crypto market to give an accurate valuation.

To wrap your head around the value, you’ll need to look at things like:

  • The amount of cryptocurrency you have.
  • The current market value.
  • The history of the value over time.

Understanding these basics lays the groundwork for navigating through the complexities of crypto in your divorce. You’re already taking the first steps toward making informed decisions, which is excellent! Hang in there, and remember, you’re not in this alone.

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Disclosure and Discovery of Cryptocurrency

When you’re getting a divorce, you’ve got to lay all your cards on the table. It’s like show-and-tell for grown-ups but with your money. In Nevada, you’ve got to tell the other person about everything you’ve got, including your digital coins, like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

But here’s the catch: finding and showing these digital coins can be like a treasure hunt without a map. Why? Because cryptocurrency can be hidden in the digital world well. So, it’s super important to play detective and ensure all the crypto is found. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Tell the truth: You have to share all the details about your crypto, just like you would with your house or car.
  • Hunt for clues: If your other half might not be telling the whole story about their crypto, you might need some help from tech wizards who know how to find hidden digital treasure.
  • Keep it accurate: Courts don’t like it when people try to hide their stuff, so it’s best to be honest and upfront.

This part of the divorce can be challenging, but ensuring everything’s fair and square is essential.

Tax Implications of Cryptocurrency in Divorce

Talking about taxes might make your eyes glaze over, but stick with me because this is big. When you split your crypto pizza during a divorce, Uncle Sam wants a piece of it, too. Cryptocurrency isn’t just digital magic money; it’s real, and the tax rules that apply to your dollars also apply to your digital dough.

Here’s what you need to know about taxes and your crypto in a divorce:

  • Sales and trades can count: If you sell or trade your crypto, it’s like making money, and you might have to pay taxes.
  • Splitting it up: When you split your crypto in a divorce, it’s not just about who gets how much. You must also consider the tax bill that could come with it.
  • Get help: Taxes can be tricky, and crypto taxes are even trickier. Talking to a tax pro who knows about digital currency is wise.

Remember, dealing with taxes is as important as dividing up your assets. You don’t want to be caught off guard with a big tax bill later.

Legal Framework and Case Law in Nevada

Now, let’s put on our thinking caps and discuss the game’s crypto and divorce rules in Nevada. Like every game has limitations, Nevada courts have rules about handling your assets when you split up.

Nevada has laws, and judges here have seen a thing or two regarding crypto. They look at past decisions, called case law, to help them decide what’s fair. Even though crypto is still pretty new, some stories (cases) already help judges make decisions.

Here’s the deal:

  • Nevada’s laws are like the instruction manual for dividing stuff when you get divorced.
  • Case law: These are examples from other people’s divorces that help your judge decide what to do with your crypto.
  • Judges’ decisions: Each judge might see things differently, but they try to be fair based on the law and what happened in the past.

The Ultimate Divorce Decree Checklist

It’s like playing a board game for the first time. You need to know how to play, what moves worked for others, and then make the best moves for your game. That’s how judges think about your crypto in divorce.

A person wearing running shoes and shorts crossing a finish line tape with their arms raised in celebration to represent the conclusion of the post.

Breaking It All Down for You

In conclusion, if you face the complexities of divorce, remember you have a wealth of resources and professional guidance. When you’re ready to discuss your situation or take action, don’t hesitate to contact Molly Rosenblum and her dedicated team at The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm by calling (702) 433-2889. We are poised to assist you in navigating your next steps with experience and compassion.

The letters "FAQ" in large bold text to represent the start of a Frequently Asked Questions section.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my spouse and I can’t agree on the value of our crypto assets?

If you and your ex-partner can’t agree on the value of your cryptocurrency, a judge might order a professional evaluation. This means a financial expert who understands the crypto market will be brought in to give a fair estimate of what your digital coins are worth. The expert will look at the market value on a specific date and might even consider the potential for future value changes.

Can I keep my cryptocurrency if I owned it before getting married?

In Nevada, if you owned cryptocurrency before you got married, it’s generally considered separate property and not subject to division in a divorce. However, if the value of your crypto increased during the marriage, that increase might be viewed as a marital asset. It’s crucial to prove the original ownership and any changes in value throughout the wedding.

How is crypto divided if it was gifted to us during our marriage?

If the cryptocurrency were gifted to you and your spouse during your marriage, it would likely be considered marital property and subject to division during your divorce. Unless the gift was given explicitly to one of you with clear intent, the default assumption is it’s for both of you.

Is it possible to hide cryptocurrency from my spouse during a divorce?

While it’s technically possible to hide cryptocurrency due to its digital and somewhat anonymous nature, it’s illegal and unethical during a divorce. If discovered, hiding assets can lead to legal penalties, a loss of credibility in court, and potentially a more unfavorable division of other assets.

What should I do if I suspect my spouse is hiding crypto assets?

If you believe your spouse is hiding cryptocurrency, informing your lawyer is essential. They can use legal discovery tools to uncover hidden assets. This might involve hiring a digital forensic expert to trace and locate crypto transactions.

How do I ensure my cryptocurrency assets are secure during the divorce process?

To secure your cryptocurrency during a divorce, maintain strong security practices like using two-factor authentication, keeping your private keys safe, and not sharing sensitive information with anyone. Also, follow any legal instructions or court orders regarding your assets.

Do I need an exceptional attorney for a divorce involving cryptocurrency?

While you don’t necessarily need a “special” attorney, having a divorce lawyer with experience with cryptocurrency and understanding its complexities is beneficial. An attorney with this background can better navigate crypto assets’ valuation, division, and legal aspects in your divorce.

Can child support or alimony be paid in cryptocurrency in Nevada?

In theory, child support or alimony could be paid in cryptocurrency, but it’s not common practice and might not be legally enforceable in Nevada. Payments are usually made in U.S. dollars to ensure consistency and clarity in the amount due to currency value fluctuations.

What if my spouse purchased cryptocurrency with marital funds without my knowledge?

Purchases made with marital funds without your knowledge are still considered part of the marital estate. All assets, including secretly purchased cryptocurrency, must be disclosed during the divorce process and are subject to division.

Will the court split our crypto assets down the middle?

Not necessarily. Nevada is an equitable distribution state, which means the court splits marital assets in a fair but not always equal way. Like any other asset, the division of cryptocurrency will depend on various factors, including each spouse’s financial situation, contribution to the marriage, and future needs.

The word "Glossary" in large, bold letters to mark the start of a section defining key terms and concepts.


Cryptocurrency is like digital money you can use to buy things online or trade, like baseball cards. It’s stored in a digital wallet and uses some super complex math to keep it safe.

Equitable Distribution: When a couple gets divorced, this rule says how their stuff, including money and property, should be split. It’s not always 50-50, but it should be fair for both people.

Bitcoin and Ethereum: These are types of cryptocurrency, like different brands of bikes. Bitcoin was the first one, and Ethereum came after with some extra bells and whistles.

Digital Wallet: This is where you keep your cryptocurrency safe. It’s like a virtual pocket with a perfect zipper because it uses special codes to ensure only you can get into it.

Private Key: This unique key is a secret code that lets you access your cryptocurrency. It’s like the secret knock to get into your digital wallet’s clubhouse.

Disclosure: This is when you have to share information about what you own, like telling someone what you have in your backpack. In a divorce, you must disclose things honestly, including your digital coins.

Discovery: This is a part of divorce where you play detective. It’s about ensuring all the money, including cryptocurrency, is found and nothing is hidden.

Tax Implications: When you deal with money, taxes come into play. If you make money from your cryptocurrency, like if it grows in value, you might need to pay some of that to the government.

Case Law: These are like stories from the past that judges use to decide what to do in new situations. They look at old divorce cases to help them make fair decisions about cryptocurrency.

Digital Forensic Expert: This computer whiz can find hidden digital treasures, like cryptocurrency, that someone might not want to be found. They’re like modern-day Sherlock Holmes for computers.

Two-factor Authentication: This is a security step for your online accounts. It’s like having a secret handshake and a password. Even if someone guesses your password, they still can’t get in because they don’t know the handshake.

Marital Asset: You and your spouse own this because you got it while you were married. It could be a house, a car, or even cryptocurrency.

Separate Property: This is what you own all by yourself. It’s like a secret diary or a special toy that was just yours before you married and stays yours even if you get divorced.

Appreciation: When your cryptocurrency gets more valuable, like when your Pokémon cards become super rare, that’s appreciation. It can happen with any property, and in a divorce, it’s essential to know how much something has gone up in value.

Legal Penalties: If you try to hide your cryptocurrency or lie about it in a divorce, you could get in big trouble, like being grounded, but much worse. These are the consequences of not playing by the rules.

Additional Resources for You

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As a reminder, our lead attorney, Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., has developed a range of informative resources to assist you during challenging times, especially concerning divorce and related matters. Here are some valuable resources for your reference:

  1. Las Vegas Divorce Attorney: Navigate your divorce proceedings in Las Vegas with expert legal advice and support. Explore More

  2. Alimony in Nevada: Understand the nuances of alimony laws and what to expect in the state of Nevada. Learn About Alimony

  3. Divorce and Mortgage: Find out how divorce can impact your mortgage and what steps you can take to manage this situation effectively. Read About Divorce and Mortgage

  4. Divorce and Taxes: Get informed on how divorce proceedings can affect your tax situation and plan accordingly. Understand Divorce and Taxes

  5. Health Insurance After Divorce: Explore your options for health insurance coverage following a divorce. Learn About Health Insurance Options

  6. Divorce and Bankruptcy: Navigate the complexities of handling divorce when bankruptcy is also a factor. Understand Divorce and Bankruptcy

  7. Student Loan Debt Divorce: Learn how student loan debt is treated in the context of a divorce. Explore Student Loan Debt in Divorce

  8. How Much is Alimony in Nevada?: Gain insight into the factors that determine alimony amounts in Nevada. Learn About Alimony Amounts

  9. Divorce Attorney Fee: Understand the costs associated with hiring a divorce attorney and how fees are structured. Read About Divorce Attorney Fees

  10. Who Gets the House in a Divorce in Nevada: Discover the legal considerations that determine who keeps the house in a Nevada divorce. Learn Who Gets the House

  11. How to Not Get Screwed in a Divorce: Arm yourself with knowledge and strategies to protect your interests during divorce proceedings. Protect Your Interests

Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq. is dedicated to providing detailed and supportive resources to help you navigate through these complex legal matters. Feel free to use these resources to understand your situation better and make informed decisions.

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Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

here are seven offsite resources that readers may find useful for information related to divorce proceedings, legal advice, and support:

  • American Bar Association: Provides a wealth of information on family law, including resources for finding legal representation and articles on the divorce process.

  • FindLaw: Offers a comprehensive selection of articles on divorce, legal separation, child custody, and more, helping you to understand your rights and obligations.

  • LegalZoom: While it’s a service that provides legal document preparation, its website also has helpful guides and articles on the divorce process.

  • National Association of Divorce Professionals (NADP): A network of professionals who work with those going through divorce. Their site offers insights and connections to various experts.

  • Psychology Today: Not only a resource for finding therapists but also has articles and resources on coping with the emotional aspects of divorce.

  • Avvo: Features an extensive directory of lawyers where you can search by practice area and location, alongside a Q&A forum and legal guides.

  • National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ): Provides a variety of resources related to family law, including publications on the impact of divorce on children and families.

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A Special Message From Our Lead Attorney

Why You Might Need a Lawyer

Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Headshot of Molly Rosenblum Allen, attorney at law, with long blond hair and wearing a black blazer. Molly Rosenblum Allen is the founder and managing attorney of Rosenblum Allen Law.

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time to explore our divorce resources. I hope you found the information insightful and empowering as you navigate this challenging time.

Understanding your options and rights is the first step in regaining control of your future.
If you’re ready to take the next step or have questions about your unique situation, my team and I at The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm are here to help.

You can contact us by calling (702) 433-2889. We are committed to providing you the guidance and support you need to move forward.

Warm regards,
Molly Rosenblum, Esq.

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