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Moving Forward After Infidelity and Divorce: Practical Tips

Dealing with Tough Times When Married Life Takes a Hard Turn

Going through a divorce can feel challenging, especially if it happens because someone is unfaithful. If you live in Las Vegas or elsewhere in Nevada and face this significant change, you might feel sad, angry, or confused. That’s normal. But even during these challenging times, there are things you can do to make it a bit easier to handle.

Tips for Surviving Your Divorce Banner

Understand the Feelings

First things first, know that all your feelings are okay. It’s normal to have a lot of emotions when you find out someone you trusted wasn’t faithful. You might feel like you’re on a roller coaster, up one minute and down the next. Talking to a friend, family member, or counselor can help you sort through these feelings.

Know Your Rights in Nevada

In Nevada, the law says that you can get a divorce without blaming the other person. That means you don’t have to prove that your spouse did something wrong, like being unfaithful. This makes the process less stressful. But it’s still a good idea to talk to a lawyer who can help you understand your rights and what to expect.

Take Care of Yourself

When dealing with divorce, it’s super important to look after yourself. Try to eat good foods, get some sleep, and move your body. Doing things you enjoy can also help you feel a bit better. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary.

Lean on Others

You don’t have to go through this alone. Lean on people who care about you. This could be your family, friends, or people in your community. There are also groups for people going through divorce. They can be great places to meet others who know your feelings.

Plan for the Future

It might be hard to think about the future, but making plans can give you hope. Think about what you want your life to look like after the divorce. Maybe there are things you’ve always wanted to do—now could be the time to start.

Remember the Kids (if you have them)

If you have kids, they’re also going through a tough time. Try to keep things as normal as possible for them. Talk to them correctly for their age, and ensure they know both parents still love them. Sometimes, having a professional like a counselor talk to them can help.

Give It Time

Healing takes time. It’s okay not to be okay right away. Each day might be a little bit better than the one before. And that’s progress.

Understanding the Legal Process

Divorce law in Nevada allows for a “no-fault” divorce, which means that you can file for divorce without the need to prove cheating or other reasons. This can simplify the process and reduce conflict, but knowing your legal rights and responsibilities is essential. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Division of Property: Nevada is a community property state. Any assets and debts you and your spouse have accumulated during the marriage will generally be divided equally.
  • Alimony: Depending on the length of your marriage and other factors, one partner may be required to provide financial support to the other after a divorce.
  • Child Custody: If children are involved, decisions must be made about who they will live with and how both parents will continue to be involved.


Emotional Support and Healing

Dealing with the emotional aftermath of infidelity can be just as important as handling the legal aspects of divorce.

  • Counseling: Professional therapists or counselors specializing in relationships can provide a safe space to express feelings and work through pain.
  • Support Systems: Friends and family can be invaluable during this time. Support groups, either in-person or online, can also connect you with others who understand what you’re going through.


woman sitting inside sipping tea

Self-Care and Personal Growth

Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally will help you to cope better with the stress of divorce.

  • Physical Health: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep can improve mood and energy levels.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Reconnecting with old hobbies or exploring new interests can provide a positive outlet for your emotions and help you rebuild your identity outside of the marriage.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can reduce stress and promote inner peace.


Helping Children Cope

If you have children, they will need extra support to deal with the changes in their family.

  • Open Communication: Talk to your children honestly but in a way that is appropriate for their age and maturity level.
  • Stability: Try to maintain routines and a sense of normalcy for your children to provide them security during this change.
  • Professional Guidance: A child psychologist or counselor can help children express their feelings and adjust to their new family situation.


Looking to the Future

As you move through the divorce process, it’s essential to start thinking about your new life.

  • Goals and Aspirations: Consider setting goals for yourself. These could be career goals, personal development goals, or things you’d like to experience.
  • Financial Planning: Post-divorce, your financial situation may change. It’s an excellent time to create a new budget, revisit financial plans, and ensure you have a clear understanding of your finances.


Financial Considerations

After a divorce, your financial situation can change dramatically. Here are some steps to take:

  • Budgeting: Create a new budget that reflects your current income and expenses.
  • Assets and Liabilities: Make a comprehensive list of all your assets and liabilities to understand your financial standing clearly.
  • Credit: Establish your credit if you haven’t already. Check your credit report and correct any inaccuracies.
  • Insurance: Update your insurance policies, including health, auto, home, and life insurance.


Legal Steps Post-Divorce

Once the divorce is finalized, there are still a few legal steps you might need to take:

  • Name Change: If you’re planning to change your name post-divorce, make sure to update your driver’s license, social security card, passport, and other official documents.
  • Beneficiary Information: Update the beneficiaries on your retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and any other accounts where you’ve listed your spouse as a beneficiary.


Emotional Recovery

The emotional journey is often the longest part of healing from infidelity and divorce.

  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process your emotions.
  • Forgiveness: This does not mean you have to forget what happened, but forgiving (either your ex-spouse or yourself) can be a decisive step towards healing.
  • Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries with your ex-spouse, especially if you need to maintain contact for co-parenting.



If children are involved, finding a way to co-parent effectively will be necessary for their well-being.

  • Consistent Rules: Try to maintain consistency between households regarding rules and discipline.
  • Communication Tools: Use tools like co-parenting apps to manage schedules, expenses, and communication about the children.
  • Avoid Conflict: Protect your children from animosity between you and your ex-spouse. Never use them as messengers or involve them in adult issues.


Personal Growth

After a divorce, you have the opportunity to grow in new directions.

  • Education and Career: Perhaps there are educational pursuits or career goals you had set aside. Now might be an excellent time to explore these options.
  • Social Connections: Reconnect with old friends or make new ones. Consider joining clubs or groups that align with your interests.


Future Relationships

Thinking about future relationships is natural. But give yourself time to heal before jumping into something new.

    • Self-Reflection: Understand what you want and need in a relationship. Reflect on any lessons learned from your marriage and divorce.
    • Dating: Take it slow when you’re ready to start dating again. Be upfront about your past, but also focus on the present and future.

Practical Day-to-Day Living

Adjusting to your new status might mean taking on tasks your spouse previously managed.

    • Home Maintenance: Learn essential home maintenance or find reliable service providers.
    • Cooking: If you weren’t the primary cook, now might be the time to learn basic cooking skills.

Long-Term Outlook

It’s crucial to maintain a long-term outlook.

    • Patience: Recognize that recovery and adjustment will take time.
    • Hope: Hold onto hope for the future. With time, many emerge from the experience more robust and resilient.

Building a Support Network

A strong support network is crucial during and after a divorce. Here’s how you can build or strengthen yours:

    • Community Groups: Engage with local community groups that share your interests or are dedicated to helping individuals in post-divorce situations.
    • Professional Support: Maintain a relationship with a therapist or counselor who can provide professional guidance.
    • Online Forums: Participate in online forums and social media groups where you can share your experience and learn from others.

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Divorce and infidelity can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Here are some ways to manage these feelings:

    • Mindfulness Practices: Stay grounded in mindfulness practices like meditation or guided imagery.
    • Regular Exercise: Physical activity can be a great stress reliever and can also improve your mood.
    • Routine: Establish a daily routine to provide structure and normalcy.

Rediscovering Yourself

After a divorce, you can rediscover who you are as an individual.

    • New Interests: Explore new interests or hobbies you may have been putting off.
    • Travel: If possible, travel to new places. This can offer a fresh perspective and a break from your usual environment.
    • Education: Consider furthering your education with classes or workshops in areas that interest you.

Legal and Financial Follow-Up

There might be ongoing legal and financial matters after the divorce is finalized.

    • Post-Divorce Decree: Sometimes, there may be a need to modify the divorce decree if circumstances change, especially regarding alimony or child support.
    • Estate Planning: Update your will, power of attorney, and any other estate planning documents to reflect your new situation.

Children's Adjustment

Children may take time to adjust to the new family dynamics.

  • Open Dialogue: Keep communication channels with your children, allowing them to express their feelings.
  • New Traditions: Establish new traditions with your children to create positive memories and reinforce the sense of family.
  • Monitor School Performance: Pay attention to how the divorce affects your child’s school performance and seek help if necessary.


Dealing with Ex-Spouse

When necessary, maintaining a civil relationship with your ex-spouse can be challenging but beneficial, especially for co-parenting.

  • Boundaries: Set clear boundaries to avoid old patterns of conflict.
  • Communication: Keep communication respectful and focused on the issue, particularly regarding children.


Re-entering the Dating World

When you feel ready to date again, consider the following:

  • Self-Understanding: Be clear about what you’re looking for in a relationship.
  • Slow Pace: Take things slowly, and don’t rush into another serious relationship.
  • Children’s Feelings: Be mindful of how dating may affect your children and handle introductions to new partners with care.



It’s important to practice self-compassion during this time.

  • Forgive Yourself: Understand that it’s okay to make mistakes and that you did the best you could.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize self-care and do things that make you feel good about yourself.

Why You Haven't Hired a Las Vegas Divorce Attorney Yet

Watch this short video to take the next big step toward getting divorced.

Breaking It All Down for You

Going through a divorce because someone was unfaithful is hard. But with your proper support and care, you can get through it and start a new chapter in your life. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact a lawyer, counselor, or support group. You’re not alone, and there are people and services out there that can help you move forward.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I maintain a sense of family for my children after divorce?

Creating new traditions and maintaining consistent routines can help preserve a sense of family. Prioritize quality time and ensure that both parents are actively involved in the children’s lives, respecting the co-parenting agreement.

What are some strategies for dealing with jealousy when my ex-spouse starts dating?

Focus on your own healing and personal growth. Establishing emotional boundaries and redirecting your attention to activities and people that enrich your life is also essential. If you’re co-parenting, keep the focus on the children’s well-being.

How do I manage the feeling of loneliness post-divorce?

Reconnect with friends and family, engage in new social activities, and consider joining support groups to meet others going through similar experiences. Pursuing new interests can also provide opportunities for social interaction.

Can I modify child support or alimony after the divorce is finalized?

Yes, it is possible to modify child support or alimony if there are significant changes in circumstances, such as a job loss, a substantial increase in income, or a change in the needs of the children. Legal counsel should be sought in these cases.

What should I do if I feel overwhelmed by the changes in my life after divorce?

Seek professional help if you’re feeling overwhelmed. A therapist can provide support and strategies to cope with the changes. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper diet, exercise, and sleep, is also beneficial.

How can I help my children adjust to a new partner in my life?

Introduce the idea gradually and be sensitive to your children’s feelings. Initially, involve your new partner in group activities that are neutral and non-threatening. Communicate openly with your children and reassure them of your love.

How can I rebuild my self-esteem after it was damaged by infidelity?

Engage in activities that reinforce your self-worth. Set personal goals and celebrate your achievements. Therapy can also aid in rebuilding self-esteem by addressing negative thought patterns and empowering you to see your value.

Is it normal to fear entering a new relationship after experiencing infidelity?

Yes, it’s normal to have fears about new relationships after infidelity. Take the time you need to heal and trust again. When ready, proceed slowly and communicate your feelings and boundaries to potential partners.

How can I effectively communicate with my ex-spouse if we have a problematic relationship?

Use clear and concise language and stick to discussing necessary topics, such as those relating to children or shared responsibilities. Consider using written communication, like email or text, which can help reduce emotional reactions.

What if I don’t feel like I’m making progress in my recovery from divorce?

Recovery from divorce can be slow and non-linear. If you feel stuck, consider seeking additional support from counseling or support groups. Sometimes, adjusting your expectations and giving yourself grace for the process can also be helpful.


Adjustment: The process of adapting to new situations or changes in one’s life, such as the transitions following a divorce.

Alimony: A legal obligation to provide financial support to one’s spouse after separation or divorce. She is also known as spousal support.

Boundary Setting: Establishing limits and rules in relationships to protect one’s wellbeing and maintain healthy interactions.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A form of psychotherapy that aims to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are causing people’s problems and so change the way they feel.

Co-Parenting Agreement: A formal, legal document outlining how parents will raise their child following separation or divorce, including living arrangements, education, and health care.

Divorce Decree: The final court order that formally ends a marriage and outlines the divorce terms, including asset division, custody, and any ongoing obligations like child support or alimony.

Emotional Intelligence: The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

Estate Planning: Preparing tasks that manage an individual’s asset base in the event of their incapacitation or death, including the legacy of assets to heirs and the settlement of estate taxes.

Growth Mindset: The belief that one’s talents and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Infidelity: The action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner.

Mindfulness Practices: Techniques, such as meditation or focused breathing, encourage individuals to be present and fully engage with the here and now without judgment.

Post-Divorce: The period after a divorce has been finalized.

Rituals for Closure: Symbolic activities that help individuals process and mark the end of one chapter in their lives and the beginning of another.

Self-Compassion: Extending compassion to oneself in perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering.

Stress Management: Techniques and strategies to control and reduce stress to improve everyday functioning.

Therapist/Counselor: A professional trained to guide and support individuals seeking help with emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues.

Vulnerability: The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. In the context of personal growth, it often refers to the courage to be oneself and authentically connect with others.

Wellbeing: The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. This encompasses various aspects of an individual’s life, including emotional, psychological, and social welfare.

Additional Resources for You

In recognizing the challenges our readers may face during difficult times, it’s important to highlight the extensive resources created by our lead attorney, Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq. Her dedication to providing support and guidance is evident through a variety of specialized resources, tailored to address different aspects and concerns related to divorce proceedings. These resources aim to empower individuals with knowledge and strategies, navigating them through the complexities they may encounter.

  1. Las Vegas Divorce Attorney: Gain comprehensive insights into local legal expertise with our detailed guide, designed to assist you in understanding the nuances of divorce proceedings in Las Vegas.

  2. Nevada Divorce: Explore the specifics of divorce in Nevada with our in-depth resource, offering guidance and clarity on state-specific divorce laws and processes.

  3. What Happens If You Don’t Sign Divorce Papers: Understand the implications and legal considerations with our informative article, shedding light on the consequences and next steps if divorce papers are left unsigned.

  4. Do I Need an Attorney to Get a Divorce: Decipher the necessity and benefits of legal representation in divorce with our focused discussion, outlining when and why an attorney’s guidance becomes crucial.

  5. What is a Collaborative Divorce: Explore the concept and process of collaborative divorce through our comprehensive explanation, highlighting a cooperative approach to resolving divorce amicably.

  6. How to Win a Divorce: Equip yourself with strategies and insights on navigating divorce proceedings successfully with our dedicated resource.

  7. Switching Lawyers During Divorce: Understand the process, implications, and considerations of changing legal representation mid-divorce with our detailed guide.

  8. How Long Does a Divorce Take in Nevada: Get a clear picture of the timeline and factors affecting the duration of divorce proceedings in Nevada with our informative article.

  9. High Conflict Divorce: Navigate the complexities of a contentious divorce with the help of our resource, providing strategies and advice for managing and resolving high-conflict situations.

  10. Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer: Prepare for consultations and legal proceedings by exploring the crucial questions to ask a divorce lawyer, ensuring you’re well-informed and ready to make key decisions.

Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq. remains committed to offering a guiding hand through these resources, ensuring that our readers are equipped with the knowledge and support needed during their times of need.

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

If you’re seeking additional information or support related to family law, divorce, and other related topics, the following offsite resources can be incredibly helpful:

  • American Bar Association: A premier resource for legal professionals that also offers a wealth of information for the public on family law issues. Visit ABA.

  • National Parent Teacher Association (PTA): Offers resources and support for parents navigating challenges, including those associated with changes in family structure. Visit National PTA.

  • Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell Law School: Provides free access to a wide range of legal resources, including information on family law and divorce. Visit LII.

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: Provides essential support and information for individuals facing domestic violence situations, which can be a component of divorce cases. Visit The Hotline.

  • KidsHealth: Offers advice on many aspects of child health and development, including coping with parental separation and divorce. Visit KidsHealth.

  • Wealth Management: Provides financial advice that can be crucial when dealing with the economic aspects of divorce, such as alimony and property division. Visit Wealth Management.

  • Psychology Today: Features a range of articles by mental health professionals that can offer support and guidance through the psychological impact of divorce. Visit Psychology Today.

These resources can offer additional support and information that can be beneficial alongside the legal advice and guidance provided by The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm.

A Special Message From Our Lead Attorney

Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time to read through the resources we’ve provided. I hope you have found them informative and helpful for your circumstances.

If you’re ready to take the next step or have any questions regarding your situation, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can call me and my team at (702) 433-2889, and we will be ready to assist you moving forward.

We understand the complexities and emotional challenges that legal issues can bring, and we are here to provide the support and guidance you need.

Warm regards,

Molly Rosenblum, Esq.

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