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The Impact of Student Loans on Divorce Proceedings

How Student Loans Can Affect Your Divorce in Nevada

When two people decide to get a divorce, they have to figure out how to split up everything they own and owe.

In Las Vegas and all over Nevada, student loans can be tricky to split.

If you or your spouse took out student loans while married, what happens to that debt when you divorce?

Let’s talk about it!

The Impact of Student Loans on Divorce Proceedings Banner

What Happens to Student Loans in a Divorce?

In Nevada, the money you owe on student loans can be treated differently when you get divorced. It depends on when you got the loans and what they were used for.

If You Got Loans Before Marriage

If you took out student loans before marriage, that debt is usually yours to keep after the divorce. It’s considered separate property, which means it belongs to the person who got the loans.

If You Got Loans During Marriage

If you got the student loans while you were married, it might be different.

In Nevada, debts taken on during marriage are often seen as “community debt.”

This means both people might be responsible for paying them back.

However, there are some exceptions, like if the loans were for one person’s education and didn’t help the other.

What About Helping Pay the Loans?

Sometimes, one spouse might have helped to pay the student loans with their own money or by working. This can make things a bit more complicated. The court might look at how much the non-student spouse helped and decide that the student loans should be shared more fairly.

Can We Decide on Our Own?

Yes! The best thing is if both people in the divorce can agree on what to do with the student loans. This can be done with the help of lawyers like us at The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm, who understand how to ensure the agreement is fair and follows Nevada laws.

Considering the Type of Loan

Federal vs. Private Student Loans:

  • Federal student loans are typically in the name of the individual who attended school. Even if these loans were taken out during the marriage, it doesn’t automatically mean they will be divided between both parties.
  • Private student loans can be more complicated, especially if both spouses co-signed for the loan. This may create joint responsibility.


The Role of Prenuptial Agreements

If there was a prenuptial agreement, it might have specific terms about handling debt, including student loans, in the event of a divorce. This can simplify matters, as the agreement may clearly state whether student loan or marital debt is separate.

Contributions to the Marriage

The court will also consider how the education funded by the loans benefited the marriage. For example:

  • Suppose the degree earned with the student loans significantly increased the borrower’s earning potential, and the family benefited from this income during the marriage. The court might see the debt as a shared responsibility in that case.
  • Conversely, suppose the degree didn’t substantially benefit the marriage or the couple separated soon after completion. In that case, the court may decide that the debt belongs solely to the person who took out the loans.


Division of Debt and Assets

Nevada is a community property state, meaning any debt or assets acquired during the marriage are generally divided equally. However, there can be exceptions, and student loans can sometimes be one of these exceptions due to the factors mentioned earlier.

Student Loan Payments Made During Marriage

If marital funds were used to pay down one spouse’s student loan debt, the other spouse might be entitled to compensation or a more favorable division of other marital assets.

Negotiating an Agreement

Couples have the option to negotiate an agreement outside of court. They may agree to assign the student loan debt to the spouse who benefited from the education or to split it in a mutually agreeable way. If they can’t agree, a judge will decide based on Nevada law and the case’s specifics.

Future Implications

The outcome of how student loan debt is divided can have long-term financial implications for both parties. It can affect credit scores, future borrowing ability, and financial stability.

Getting Legal Assistance

Given the complexities of dealing with student loan debt in a divorce, seeking legal counsel is wise. A lawyer can provide guidance tailored to your situation, assist in negotiations, and ensure that any agreement is equitable and complies with Nevada law. They can also represent your interests in court if an agreement cannot be reached.

Breaking It All Down for You

Divorce can be challenging, and student loans often add to that complexity.

Understanding your rights and responsibilities when dividing this debt is crucial.

Whether through negotiation or court proceedings, the goal is to reach a fair and legal resolution that allows both parties to move forward with their lives.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can student loan debt be considered separate property in a Nevada divorce?

Yes, student loan debt may be considered separate property if it was incurred before the marriage. The court typically views debts incurred before marriage as the responsibility of the individual who took them on.

If I supported my spouse through school, do I have any claim to their future earnings after divorce?

Generally, future earnings are not divided in a divorce. However, if you contributed financially to your spouse’s education, you might be entitled to reimbursement or a more favorable division of other marital assets.

Do I have to share the debt if my name is not on the student loan?

If the loan was taken out during the marriage and is considered community debt, you might still be responsible, even if your name is not on the loan. However, several factors, including how education benefited the marriage, can influence this.

What if my spouse’s degree did not improve our financial situation during the marriage?

Suppose the degree did not financially benefit the marriage or the couple divorces shortly after completion. In that case, the court may decide that the debt belongs solely to the person who took out the loans.

How can a prenuptial agreement affect student loan debt in a divorce?

If a prenuptial agreement exists, it may have clauses that dictate how student loan debt is handled in a divorce. This can override the general rules about community property and separate property.

How does co-signing a student loan affect divorce proceedings?

Co-signing a student loan may create a joint responsibility for the debt. Even if the loan was for one spouse’s education, both parties might be legally responsible if the other spouse co-signed.

Can the division of student loan debt be modified after the divorce is finalized?

Modifications to the division of debt post-divorce are rare and typically only occur if there has been a significant change in circumstances. Ensuring that student loan debt is correctly addressed in the divorce decree is essential.

What happens if we can’t agree on handling our student loan debt?

If you can’t reach an agreement, a judge will decide. The judge will consider all relevant factors under Nevada law, including when the debt was incurred and how it benefited the marriage.

What happens to the student loan debt if my spouse passes away?

If your spouse passes away and the student loan is in their name only, you generally would not be responsible for the debt. Federal student loans are discharged upon the borrower’s death, but private loan obligations may depend on the loan terms.

How can I protect myself from my spouse’s student loan debt in a divorce?

The best way to protect yourself is to seek legal advice from a divorce attorney who can help you understand your rights and negotiate a fair settlement regarding the division of all debts and assets, including student loans.


Community Property: A legal principle in some states, including Nevada, where most property and debts acquired during the marriage are considered jointly owned by both spouses and are divided equally upon divorce.

Separate Property: Assets or debts that belong to one spouse exclusively, typically because they were acquired before the marriage or through inheritance or gift to one spouse alone.

Prenuptial Agreement: A legal document signed by a couple before they get married, outlining how assets and debts will be handled in the event of divorce or death.

Co-signer: A person who signs a loan with the borrower and is equally responsible for the debt repayment. Both parties may be liable for a co-signed student loan in a divorce.

Marital Funds: Money earned or acquired during the marriage, which is considered community property and used for paying bills, buying property, or paying down debt.

Discharge of Debt: The cancellation or forgiveness of a debt. In the context of student loans, federal loans are often discharged upon the borrower’s death, but private loans may not be.

Division of Assets: During a divorce, marital property and debts are divided between the spouses. This can be done by agreement or by a court decision.

Earning Potential: The future ability to make money can be increased by obtaining a degree or professional qualification. This can be a consideration in how student loans are divided in a divorce.

Modification: A legal change to a court order or divorce decree. Modifications might be made to alimony, child support, or the division of debts if a significant change in circumstances occurs.

Legal Counsel: A lawyer or attorney providing legal advice and representation. In divorce, legal counsel can assist with negotiations and legal proceedings related to dividing assets and debts.

Divorce Decree: The final court order that legally ends a marriage and outlines the divorce terms, including the division of assets, custody arrangements, and maintenance payments.

Understanding these terms can be crucial when navigating the complexities of divorce and student loan debt. It’s always recommended to consult with legal counsel to understand your rights and obligations according to Nevada law.

Additional Resources for You

We’d like to remind our readers that our esteemed lead attorney, Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., has meticulously developed a variety of resources to assist you during challenging times. These resources are designed to offer guidance and answer your critical questions:

  1. Las Vegas Divorce Attorney: Expert advice and legal support for navigating divorce in Las Vegas. Explore Here

  2. Alimony in Nevada: Understand the specifics of alimony laws and expectations within the state of Nevada. Learn More

  3. Divorce and Mortgage: Insights on handling your mortgage obligations and options during a divorce. Read Further

  4. Divorce and Taxes: Essential information on how divorce can impact your tax situation and planning. Get Informed

  5. Health Insurance After Divorce: Guidance on managing health insurance changes post-divorce. Understand Your Options

  6. Divorce and Bankruptcy: Navigating the complex intersection of divorce proceedings and bankruptcy. Learn the Implications

  7. How Much is Alimony in Nevada?: Get a clearer understanding of what to expect regarding alimony amounts in Nevada. Estimate Your Alimony

  8. Divorce Attorney Fee: Insight into the costs associated with hiring a divorce attorney and how fees are structured. Plan Financially

  9. Who Gets the House in a Divorce in Nevada: Legal perspectives on property division, specifically focusing on the marital home in Nevada. Know Your Rights

  10. How to Not Get Screwed in a Divorce: Strategic advice to protect your rights and assets during divorce proceedings. Protect Yourself

We encourage our readers to utilize these resources thoughtfully crafted by Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., to navigate the complexities of divorce with confidence and clarity.

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

Here are seven offsite resources with valuable information. These homepages link to organizations and services that can provide further assistance:

  • Divorce Source: A comprehensive resource for state-specific divorce information, including forums and legal products.

  • International Academy of Family Lawyers: An association of lawyers recognized by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries.

  • Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School: Cornell’s LII offers broad legal resources, including access to family law statutes and legal information.

  • Psychology Today – Divorce: While not a purely legal resource, Psychology Today offers insights into the psychological aspects of divorce and can help you navigate the emotional challenges.

  • National Parenting Organization: This site focuses on promoting shared parenting and offers resources and research to support families going through divorce.

These resources can provide comprehensive support, from legal advice to emotional guidance, to help readers manage the multifaceted challenges of divorce

A Special Message From Our Lead Attorney

Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time to explore our divorce resources.

I hope the information provided has been informative and helpful to you during what I understand can be challenging and complex.

Please reach out if you feel ready to take the next step and would like personalized guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Call me and my team at (702) 433-2889. We’re here to listen, understand your circumstances, and work with you to get the ball rolling toward a resolution that supports your best interests.

Warm regards,

Molly Rosenblum, Esq.

The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm

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