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Cyberbullying and the Law in Nevada: What You Should Know

Cyberbullying involves using technology like social media, messaging apps, or websites to harass, threaten, intimidate, or humiliate someone.

Cyberbullying differs from traditional bullying. It can occur 24/7, and messages can spread rapidly online.

Cyberbullying Laws Nevada Banner

This makes them difficult to remove. Common cyberbullying behaviors include:

  • Posting harmful, false, or cruel content about someone online.

  • Sharing embarrassing photos or videos without consent.

  • Sending abusive messages or threats via text, apps, or social media.

  • Impersonating someone online to damage their reputation.

  • Spreading rumors or lies about someone on websites or social platforms.

  • Harassing someone or targeting them with unwanted messages.

  • Excluding or ostracizing others online.

Cyberbullying can cause significant emotional distress and psychological harm. This is especially true when it occurs repeatedly over time. Nevada laws aim to deter cyberbullying. They provide consequences for those who engage in harassing or threatening electronic communications.

Cartoon image depicting cyberbullying with one person trying to stop it.

Nevada Cyberbullying Laws

In 2018, Nevada enacted a new law to crack down on cyberbullying. This legislation updated the state’s harassment laws. It explicitly prohibits bullying through electronic communication. Key components include:

  • Makes cyberbullying a misdemeanor crime punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

  • Covers cyberbullying of minors and adults.

  • Includes text messages, social media, emails, and other technologies.

  • Requires schools to create anti-bullying policies and programs.

Nevada Revised Statutes 200.571-200.575 cover cyberbullying-related penalties. Nevada Revised Statute 388.135 covers school responsibilities. The laws aim to deter cyberbullying and hold offenders accountable through criminal charges. They also require preventative measures in schools.

School Responsibilities Under Nevada Cyberbullying Law

Under Nevada law, all public schools must establish policies to prohibit cyberbullying. They must also help protect students. Schools must:

  • Put in place cyberbullying education programs.

  • Have reporting procedures and investigate cyberbullying incidents.

  • Notify parents/guardians of bullying investigations involving their children.

  • Provide interventions and disciplinary actions for students who cyberbully others.

  • Train teachers and staff to recognize and prevent cyberbullying.

Schools that fail to follow state laws may face loss of funding or other penalties. Nevada aims to promote education and early intervention when cyberbullying occurs. It requires schools to install anti-bullying policies.

Scales of justice tipped against a cyberbully to represent legal penalties.

Penalties for Cyberbullying in Nevada

Cyberbullying can have serious legal consequences in Nevada. Depending on the circumstances, the following criminal charges and penalties may apply:

  • Harassment – It’s a misdemeanor in Nevada to use any form of electronic communication to harass, intimidate, verbally abuse, or threaten someone. Convictions can result in fines of up to $1,000 and jail time of up to 6 months.

  • Stalking – Repeatedly contacting someone electronically to harass or intimidate them can potentially be charged as felony stalking. This carries fines up to $5,000 and 1-5 years in prison.

  • Defamation – Spreading lies, misinformation, or rumors that damage someone’s reputation online may lead to civil defamation lawsuits. These can result in monetary damages of $10,000-$300,000.

  • Extortion – Threatening to expose private information to force a victim to do something is considered extortion. This felony charge can lead to 1-10 years imprisonment.

  • Hate/Bias Crime – Cyberbullying motivated by bias or prejudice can result in additional penalties under Nevada’s hate crime laws.

Penalties tend to increase for repeat offenders. They also increase if the cyberbullying involves physical threats, impersonation, or stolen private images.

Group of caring people surrounding and supporting a victim of cyberbullying.

Resources for Victims

If you or a loved one are the victim of cyberbullying in Nevada, support and resources are available.

  • School counselors can provide emotional support. They can also advocate for interventions if the bullying involves classmates.

  • Community nonprofits, like Nevada Coalition Against Bullying and The Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada, can offer guidance and mental health resources.

  • Legal help – Consulting an attorney can help victims understand their rights. It can also help them explore options for pursuing charges or lawsuits against the perpetrators.

  • Law enforcement can investigate cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can be reported to local police. They may file criminal charges based on evidence.

  • Connecting with online support groups for cyberbullying victims can help reduce isolation.

Seeking help early is critical to mitigate the negative impacts of cyberbullying. It also stops the behavior before it escalates. Victims should not suffer alone.a

Phone blocking cyberbullying text messages representing prevention.

Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying

Students, parents, and schools in Nevada can take steps to prevent cyberbullying. They can also address it adequately when it happens.

  • Educate students about responsible digital behavior. Teach them empathy and inclusion online.

  • Ensure kids recognize signs of cyberbullying and report it to trusted adults. Make reporting procedures clear.

  • Encourage positive uses of technology and social media. Reward kindness.

  • Monitor children’s online activity and social media accounts. Use privacy settings and parental controls.

  • Have open conversations about cyberbullying. Take all reports seriously.

  • Document evidence of cyberbullying. Save screenshots and record dates/times.

  • Avoid retaliating or confronting the bully directly. Handle escalation carefully.

  • Report severe cases of threats, stalking, and extortion to law enforcement. Seek legal counsel if needed.

With education, awareness, and collaboration, schools, families, and communities can reduce cyberbullying’s impact on youth. However, a comprehensive response plan is crucial when troubling incidents do arise.

Why You Have Not Hired a Felony Defense Attorney Yet

Watch this short video to take the next big step toward defending your rights against a felony charge.

A person wearing running shoes and shorts crossing a finish line tape with their arms raised in celebration to represent the conclusion of the post.

Breaking It All Down for You

If you are accused of cyberbullying, take the situation seriously. Proceed with care. Any criminal conviction can carry life-long consequences that negatively impact your future.

Though it may feel overwhelming, stay calm. Immediately seek legal counsel to protect your rights. Be honest with your lawyer so they can provide the best defense. Follow their advice. Cooperate with authorities. Avoid further contact with the accuser.

Consider this a stark wake-up call to make meaningful changes in your online conduct. Use this challenging experience as motivation to learn, grow, and inspire others. Do so through acts of kindness. Committing to positive change allows you to emerge wiser. It also helps you spread more light and fulfill your unique potential.

The path forward may not be easy. Acceptance, accountability, and compassion will help guide you toward personal redemption. This applies to others and to yourself. There is always hope to reshape our futures if we have the courage and wisdom to learn from our mistakes.

The letters "FAQ" in large bold text to represent the start of a Frequently Asked Questions section.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been accused of cyberbullying. What should I do?

Do not panic. Consult a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. They can advise you on the best legal strategy and represent you in court if charges are filed. Be truthful with your attorney and avoid further contact with the alleged victim. Document any evidence you have to support your innocence. Do not post about the situation online, as that could complicate the case. Cooperate fully with law enforcement if questioned. However, do not answer anything without your lawyer present. Admitting fault or contacting the victim could make the situation worse.

What are the penalties if I’m convicted of cyberbullying in Nevada?

You could face up to 6 months in jail and fines up to $1,000. Felony charges like stalking or extortion carry stiffer sentences of 1-5 years imprisonment. Monetary damages in civil lawsuits can range from $10,000 to $300,000. Penalties increase for repeat offenders.

Will I have a criminal record if convicted of cyberbullying?

Yes, a misdemeanor or felony conviction for cyberbullying will remain on your permanent criminal record. This can negatively impact college admissions. It can also affect employment background checks and other areas of life. Expungement may be possible after several years.

Should I accept a plea bargain or go to trial if charged?

Your attorney will advise if a plea bargain or trial is the best option after reviewing the evidence. Pleas often result in lesser penalties but require admitting guilt. Trials let you contest the charges but risk greater punishment if found guilty. Weigh your options carefully with counsel.

How can I prevent issues like this in the future?

Avoid harassing, threatening, or defaming others online, even jokingly. Always think before you post. Apologize and make amends if your mistake causes harm. Seek counseling if you struggle to control anger, aggression, or unhealthy impulses online. Model compassion and kindness on social media.

The word "Glossary" in large, bold letters to mark the start of a section defining key terms and concepts.


Cyberbullying – Using electronic communications like social media to harass, intimidate, or mistreat someone repeatedly.

Defamation – Damaging a person’s reputation by spreading false information about them, including libel (written defamation) and slander (spoken defamation).

Electronic communication – Any form of digital communication, like text messages, emails, social media posts, online chats, etc.

Expungement – A court process to seal criminal records from public view and potentially restore some legal rights lost due to a conviction.

Extortion – Using threats, intimidation, or coercion to force someone into unwanted activity or to obtain something from them unlawfully.

Hate crime – A criminal offense motivated by bias or prejudice against protected groups, like race, religion, disability, etc. Hate crimes incur additional penalties.

Impersonation – Pretending to be someone else online, using their name/image without consent. This can constitute identity theft.

Misdemeanor – A minor criminal offense punishable by fines and jail time of less than one year.

Nonprofit organization – A tax-exempt entity focused on causes like education, community service, charity, etc., rather than generating profit.

Perpetrator – Someone who carries out an illegal, unethical, or harmful act, like cyberbullying.

Stalking – Repeatedly contacting, harassing, threatening, or otherwise targeting someone against their wishes.

Victim – A person harmed by a crime, accident, or other event like bullying.

Additional Resources for You

A computer monitor with the words "Relevant Links" in bold text across the screen to indicate the start of a section containing useful external websites and resources related to the topic.

Molly Rosenblum, Esq., our lead attorney, has gone beyond providing exemplary legal representation by creating a wealth of resources for those facing criminal charges. These resources, available on the Rosenblum Law website, are specifically designed to assist individuals in understanding their rights, the legal processes involved, and how to navigate the complexities of criminal defense in various areas. Here’s a brief overview of the resources created by Molly Rosenblum, Esq., to support you during challenging times:

  1. Criminal Defense Attorneys: A comprehensive guide to criminal defense services offered, addressing a wide range of charges. Explore the guide.

  2. Las Vegas DUI Lawyer: Specialized assistance for those facing DUI charges in Las Vegas, offering strategies for defense and information on DUI laws. Learn more.

  3. Domestic Violence Lawyer Las Vegas: Expert legal support for individuals accused of domestic violence, with insights into defense strategies and legal implications. Get support.

  4. Drug Possession Lawyer: Guidance for those charged with drug possession, including legal advice on how to navigate the charges and potential defenses. Read about drug possession defense.

  5. Sex Crimes Attorney: Specialized resources for individuals accused of sex crimes, offering critical advice on defense strategies and the legal process. Discover how to defend against sex crime charges.

  6. CPS Defense Attorney: Assistance for those facing investigations or charges related to child abuse and neglect, providing a pathway to navigate these sensitive cases. Understand CPS defense.

  7. Misdemeanor Lawyer: Legal advice and strategies for dealing with misdemeanor charges, helping to minimize the impact of these charges on one’s life. Explore misdemeanor defense.

  8. Juvenile Defense Lawyers: Dedicated resources for defending minors facing criminal charges, emphasizing the unique aspects of juvenile law. Learn about juvenile defense.

  9. Las Vegas Warrant Defense Attorney: Guidance for individuals with outstanding warrants, offering advice on how to resolve warrants and avoid arrest. Read about warrant defense.

  10. Las Vegas Probation Violation Attorney: Support for those accused of violating probation, with strategies to address the violation and mitigate consequences. Learn about probation violation defense.

  11. Theft Crime Defense Lawyer: Expertise in defending against theft charges, providing insight into potential defenses and legal strategies. Explore theft crime defense.

  12. Kidnapping Lawyers: Specialized legal support for those accused of kidnapping, focusing on defense strategies and the complexities of kidnapping charges. Understand kidnapping defense.

  13. Firearms Lawyer Las Vegas: Legal resources for individuals facing firearms charges, offering advice on gun laws and defense strategies. Read about firearms defense.

Through these meticulously developed resources, Molly Rosenblum, Esq., aims to empower individuals facing criminal charges with the knowledge and tools needed for a robust defense. We encourage you to utilize these resources to ensure your rights are protected and to navigate the criminal justice system more effectively.

A computer monitor displays the word "Resources" in large text across the screen to signify the beginning of a section containing helpful materials, documents, or downloads related to the topic.

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

Here are several recommended offsite resources related to cyberbullying in Nevada:

Cyberbullying Research Center –
Leading organization studying nature, consequences, and prevention of cyberbullying.

American Bar Association –
National association providing public legal education and attorney directories.

National Crime Prevention Council –
Provides education on cyberbullying prevention and internet safety.

The Trevor Project –
Organization focused on suicide prevention and crisis support for LGBTQ youth.

A simple stick figure drawing of a person running, with the words "What's Next?" in bold text above them, representing taking the following steps and applying the knowledge gained from the post.

A Special Message From Our Lead Attorney

Why You Might Need a Lawyer

Headshot of Molly Rosenblum Allen, attorney at law, with long blond hair and wearing a black blazer. Molly Rosenblum Allen is the founder and managing attorney of Rosenblum Allen Law.

Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Dear reader,

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Nevada’s cyberbullying laws and resources. I hope you found this guide informative.

I’m an attorney passionate about protecting victims and stopping cyberbullying. I’m here to help. If you or a loved one are facing harassment or threats online, please know that you don’t have to endure this alone.

I offer free consultations to discuss your situation. I also offer consultations to discuss your legal options for taking action. Please don’t hesitate to call me at (702) 433-2889 to schedule a confidential appointment.

We can make the online world safer with compassion and commitment.


Molly Rosenblum, Attorney at Law

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