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Finding the Best Child Therapist to Help Kids After Divorce

Understanding Child Therapy During Divorce in Nevada

How Can a Therapist Help Your Child When You're Going Through a Divorce?

Divorce isn’t just tough on parents—it’s also really hard for kids. Children can feel many emotions when a family goes through a divorce, like sadness, confusion, and worry. In Nevada, many families get help from exceptional therapists who know how to help kids during these challenging times.

Finding the Best Child Therapist to Help Kids After Divorce Banner

What Is Child Therapy for Divorce?

Child therapy for divorce is a type of help that kids can get from a professional therapist. This therapist is someone who knows a lot about the feelings kids have when their parents are splitting up. They talk to kids and listen to their worries, helping them understand and deal with their feelings healthily.

Why Is It Important?

When parents get divorced, children might not always say how they feel. They might keep their sadness or anger inside, which isn’t good for them. Child therapy gives them a safe place to express those feelings. This can help them feel better and less confused about what’s happening in their family.

What Happens in Therapy?

In therapy, kids do activities like drawing, playing, or talking, which help them explain their feelings. The therapist listens and helps them understand that feeling upset or angry is okay. They learn that the divorce is not their fault and that both parents still love them very much.

How Does It Help?

Therapists give kids tools to deal with their feelings. They teach them to be strong, even when things change at home. Kids learn that it’s okay to talk about their feelings, and they discover that there are healthy ways to feel better.

Finding a Therapist in Nevada

If you’re in Nevada and you think your child could use some help, many therapists are ready to help. Look for someone who has experience with kids and divorce. Your doctor, friends, or even your lawyer can suggest good therapists.

Breaking It All Down for You

Divorce is a significant change for everyone in the family. But with the right help, kids can learn to understand their feelings and get through the tough times. Child therapy is a great way to support your child in Nevada if you’re going through a divorce.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can therapy help my child do better in school if they’re struggling due to our divorce?

Absolutely! When kids get the help they need to work through their emotions, they can focus better in school. Therapy can help them deal with their feelings instead of letting those feelings distract them during class.

Will my child have to talk about things they don’t want to in therapy?

A good child therapist knows how to help kids open up without pushing too hard. They use fun activities to make it easier for kids to share their thoughts and feelings. The child always has control over what they want to talk about.

If my child seems okay, do they still need therapy?

Sometimes, kids seem okay because they’re trying to be vital to their parents or unsure how to talk about their feelings. It can be good to have them check in with a therapist to ensure they’re doing alright.

How long does a child usually need to see a therapist?

It depends on the child and their needs. Some kids might feel better after just a few sessions, while others might benefit from longer-term support. The therapist will work with the child and the parents to decide what’s best.

Do both parents need to agree to therapy for their child?

It’s ideal if both parents are on board with therapy, as it shows the child that everyone supports them. However, the rules vary, so you must check Nevada’s legal requirements or consult your lawyer.

Can therapy help with behavioral issues that have started since the divorce?

Yes, therapy can help address new challenges like acting out or breaking the rules. The therapist can help your child understand why they need to behave differently and how to cope better.

Is child therapy confidential?

Yes, therapists have rules they follow to keep things private. However, they also ensure that the child is safe and will talk to the parents if they need to, especially if the child is in danger.

How can I prepare my child for their first therapy session?

Talk to your child about what therapy is and why it’s helpful. Let them know they will meet someone good at helping kids feel better when they are sad or upset. Reassure them that it’s a safe space to share their feelings.

Can therapy help if my child is blaming themselves for the divorce?

Therapists are skilled at helping children understand that the divorce is not their fault. They’ll provide comfort and reinforce the message that the child is loved and not to blame for the changes in the family.

Will the therapist interact with both parents?

Yes, therapists often work with both parents to ensure the child’s needs are met. They can also offer guidance on communicating with the child about the divorce in a supportive and transparent way.


Divorce: This is when two people decide to end their marriage legally. It can involve lawyers and courts, and it often includes making decisions about money, property, and who takes care of the children.

Therapist: A professional trained to help people with their emotions and behaviors. Therapists who work with children often use games and activities to help them express their feelings.

Emotions: Feelings like happiness, sadness, anger, or fear. During a divorce, kids can have all sorts of emotions and need to understand and talk about them.

Child Therapy: This particular type of therapy focuses on helping children. In the case of divorce, it helps kids understand and cope with their feelings about their family changing.

Behavioral Issues: Problems with how a child acts, including not listening, getting into fights, or having trouble following rules. These issues sometimes happen when kids are upset about a divorce.

Confidential: This means private or secret. In therapy, what the child talks about is kept confidential, which means it’s just between them and the therapist unless they agree to share it or if someone’s safety is at risk.

Coping Tools: These are methods or techniques a therapist can teach a child to help them deal with complicated feelings or situations. They can include deep breathing, drawing, or talking about feelings.

Legal Requirements: These are the laws or rules that people have to follow. When it comes to child therapy during a divorce, there might be specific legal requirements for parental consent in Nevada.

Supportive Communication: This way of talking helps a person feel supported and understood. In the case of divorce, parents need to use supportive communication with their children to help them through the process.

Consent: Permission for something to happen. In therapy, parents often need to consent, or permission, for their child to attend sessions.

Additional Resources for You

Our lead attorney, Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., is not only a proficient legal advisor but also a resourceful guide for those navigating through challenging times. In addition to her dedicated legal services, she has created a suite of resources to support individuals facing the complexities of divorce. These resources address a wide range of concerns and offer practical advice to help you manage and overcome the hurdles associated with divorce:

  1. Las Vegas Divorce Attorney: A comprehensive guide that offers essential information and support for anyone seeking divorce services in Las Vegas. Explore more.

  2. How to Cope with Divorce: An insightful resource providing strategies and advice on coping with the emotional and practical aspects of divorce. Learn how to cope.

  3. Social Media and Divorce: An important read on the implications of social media use during divorce proceedings and how to navigate them. Understand the dynamics.

  4. Moving On After Divorce from a Narcissist: Tailored advice for individuals recovering from a relationship with a narcissist, guiding you through the healing process. Start moving on.

  5. Divorce Effects on Children’s Education: Insight into how divorce can impact a child’s educational journey and strategies to mitigate negative effects. Grasp the effects.

  6. Introducing New Partner to Child After Divorce: Guidelines on how to approach the delicate process of introducing a new partner to your child post-divorce. Navigate this transition.

  7. Rebuilding Social Life After Divorce: Offers tips and strategies for rebuilding your social life and forming new, meaningful connections post-divorce. Start rebuilding.

  8. Signs Your Child is Struggling with Your Divorce: Helps parents recognize signs of distress in their children during the divorce process and provides advice on how to offer support. Recognize the signs.

  9. Top Tips For Parenting Through Divorce: A valuable resource offering top tips for managing parenting responsibilities effectively while navigating a divorce. Get the tips.

  10. Managing Stress and Emotions During Divorce: Provides strategies for dealing with the intense stress and emotional turmoil that often accompany divorce proceedings. Manage your stress.

Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., understands the multifaceted challenges that come with divorce and is committed to offering resources that not only address legal concerns but also provide support for the emotional and personal aspects of this transition.

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

For readers seeking additional information on topics related to divorce, annulment, and family law, the following offsite resources may be incredibly useful. Each resource offers a wealth of knowledge that can help you understand and navigate the complexities of family law:

Remember to review any legal information in the context of your specific circumstances and consult with a professional attorney for personalized advice.

A Special Message From Our Lead Attorney

Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time to explore the divorce resources we’ve compiled. I hope the information has been insightful and provided some clarity during what I know can be an incredibly challenging time.

Should you feel ready to discuss the particulars of your situation and consider the following steps, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact me and my dedicated team at (702) 433-2889. We are here to listen to your needs and to help you move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Warm regards,

Molly Rosenblum, Esq.

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