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Relocating With Your Child Post-Divorce in Nevada: A Guide

Moving can be a difficult and stressful process, especially when you have added legal considerations like a divorce. 

If you are considering or in the process of divorcing in Nevada and are looking to move out with your child, understanding the mistakes to avoid and best practices for moving in this situation may help ease the transition. 

This blog post will guide you through the essentials of relocating from Nevada with your child during or after a divorce so that the transition is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

How to Move Out of Nevada With Your Child After Divorce

Understand the Law

Divorce can be a complex and emotional process, but it’s vital to understand Nevada’s laws regarding child relocation. 

Your parental rights and responsibilities stay the same because your family structure differs. Before making any decisions, make sure you know what’s required of you—and what your rights are—when moving out of state with your child. 

Familiarize yourself with the legal process for seeking relocation permission to make the best decision for your family.

Consult a Divorce Attorney

If you’re considering moving out of Nevada post-divorce with your child in tow, there are substantial legal considerations to keep in mind. To ensure you make the best decisions for you and your family, seek a Las Vegas divorce attorney who specializes in family law – they can help guide you through the process and provide advice tailored to your circumstances. 

Don’t go through this alone; get the support you need from an experienced professional.

Why You Haven't Hired a Las Vegas Divorce Attorney Yet

Watch this short video to take the next big step toward getting divorced.

Ask Your Spouse To Agree To The Move

The easiest, fastest, cheapest way to secure your relocation with your child after a divorce is simply to ask your ex. If your ex agrees to allow you and the children to move, you will want to get that agreement in writing. The best practice is to draft an agreement, have your ex sign it, and submit it to your divorce judge for final permission. If you can’t get your spouse to agree to sign the paperwork, a text or email proving the agreement might work. But you may need to file a motion with the court to secure your right to relocate

File a Motion

If you and your ex-spouse are no longer living together, you may need to file a motion with the court requesting permission to move out of Nevada with your child. 

A relocation must be justified by valid reasons, such as better job opportunities or more suitable educational prospects for your child. 

In the motion, you should present evidence of why this move is in your child’s best interests; it could mean more stability and better quality of life overall. Your motion should also include information on how your ex-spouse can keep up with their parental rights if the relocation is approved, such as through regular visits or virtual contact. 

The decision to relocate out of state can be complex, but with clear justification and open communication between parents, it can be done successfully.

Serve Your Spouse

Filing a motion is essential in divorce, but it’s not the last. 

In Nevada, you must serve your spouse with the documents – and if you intend to move out of state with your child after the divorce gets finalized, you need to provide them with notice of your intentions. 

It’s simple: filing the motion isn’t enough – make sure you follow Nevada law and take the extra step to serve your spouse their papers and let them know you plan to move out of state.

Attend Mediation

If it becomes necessary, you and your ex-spouse may have to attend mediation to work out any disagreements related to relocating outside of Nevada after your divorce. 

If the two of you can’t agree about your child’s best interests, the court may require you to participate in a mediation session. It may seem unsafe, but a mediator will help guide your conversation and advise if needed. 

Remember that mediation can help you resolve essential matters without going to court.

Attend Court Hearing

If you and your spouse cannot agree on relocation during mediation, the decision will get left to a judge. 

In Nevada, if one parent wishes to relocate, they must prove it is in the child’s best interest. At a formal court hearing, the judge will review all the facts and evidence presented to decide whether relocation is allowed. 

Make sure you bring any relevant information that could support your argument.

Propose a Parenting Plan

When attending a court hearing in Nevada to relocate your child due to a divorce, it is vital to present an updated parenting plan outlining how long-distance parenting will be managed. 

This plan should account for your and your ex’s work or school schedules and other concerns such as travel costs, visiting times, and communication methods. With this information, the court can decide what best benefits your child’s well-being. 

Make sure to create a plan that works for everyone involved and addresses any potential issues that may arise soon. 

It’s the only way to ensure a successful long-distance parenting plan.

Consider Other Factors

Relocating your children after a divorce requires the court’s approval. 

In addition to the legal considerations, other factors may influence the court’s decision. These can include the wishes of both parents and the child (if they are old enough), how moving might affect any siblings, the connection between parent and child, the quality of education at each location, and existing financial arrangements (such as child support). 

Make sure to consider all these elements when submitting your relocation request.

Prepare for Relocation Expenses

Whether you’re relocating due to divorce or other reasons, it pays to plan. 

Moving to another state can be expensive, and you want to ensure that you are financially prepared for temporary housing, transport, and other additional expenses. 

Before submitting your motion for permission to relocate with your child after divorce in Nevada, do some research and calculate how much it will cost – and if necessary, consult a financial advisor about the best way to afford the move.

Follow Court Orders Closely

Relocating children after a divorce can be a complex and tricky process. 

For Nevada residents, it’s essential to understand all court orders regarding relocation before proceeding. Complying with any stipulations—like visitation schedules and communication between parents/child while living at different locations—is essential, as not doing so could result in legal action against you by your ex-spouse or even risk losing custody rights. 

Planning carefully and following the necessary steps is vital to making this transition easier and smoother for everyone involved.

Document Everything

If you are relocating your children after a divorce in Nevada, it is vital to ensure all relocation paperwork gets documented and kept handy. 

This includes court orders, discussions and agreements between both parties, and applicable laws. Doing this will help ensure that all the details are up-to-date in case either party’s circumstances change post-relocation. 

Taking the time to document everything now can help avoid confusion or disputes later.

Stay Connected

If you’re relocating some of your children after a divorce, technology can help keep families connected even from afar. 

With video chat and other communication tools on the internet, it’s easier than ever for loved ones to stay in touch no matter how far apart they might be. Finding ways for your children — and their siblings — to stay connected can help make the transition smoother for everyone involved. 

So remember to use technology when keeping in touch with your family during a difficult time.

Prepare Your Child

Moving from one place to another can be a big business for anyone, especially for children. 

It’s important to have frank and open conversations about what is going on with your kids during these changes. Reassure them that it is normal to feel different emotions and tell them that you are always there for them. 

When moving out of the state, take the time to illustrate the situation to your children beforehand and provide them an opportunity to come to terms with their new lifestyle and any mixed feelings they may have. 

Although it can be hard for them to understand why they’re leaving their house and familiar surroundings behind, clear communication coupled with plenty of support can make this transition more smooth.

Seek Support

Make sure to take care of yourself during this transition. 

Moving to a new place and starting over is always challenging, especially when you have children. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help from your friends, family, and even professional counselors. 

Having someone to talk to who understands what you’re going through can make the whole process easier. 

We all need a friend sometimes; nobody should undergo this kind of change alone.

Find New Resources

After relocating, it’s essential to connect with the local community and use the available resources. 

Take time to investigate your new city and find out about activities, places to visit, schools, and organizations that could benefit you and your children post-relocation. Joining a parent group or finding after-school programs helps make the transition easier for your children and provides them with emotional support. 

Get to know your new area and explore the nearby parks and trails and health care providers, libraries, recreation centers, or community centers for additional assistance.

Connecting to the broader community can go a long way in helping everyone adjust to the new circumstances.

Update Legal Documents

When moving away from Nevada, you must ensure your legal documents reflect your current address. 

As soon as you’ve settled in a new state, update essential documents like wills, powers of attorney, and other paperwork so they can be easily located should an issue arise.

This step will help you ensure that if something happens, your loved ones can find the necessary documents quickly and without any unnecessary stress.

Get the Right Guidance in Nevada

Give yourself the resolution you deserve. 

We are  here to help make your transition smoother and quicker when your marriage has ended. We have been Nevada’s dependable divorce lawyers for many years, and you can trust our professional team of divorce attorneys to get you the best possible result. 

If you decide to hire us, we promise to provide you with caring and experienced legal assistance so you can begin a new chapter in life. 

Get in touch with us today, and let us help you with peace of mind.


Relocating with children after a divorce can be challenging, but being prepared and following the proper legal procedures can make the process smoother.

It’s important to understand Nevada’s laws, consult an attorney, communicate with your ex-spouse, file the proper motions, attend mediation if needed, and propose a parenting plan.

Also consider all factors that affect the children, prepare for expenses, follow court orders, document everything, help the children stay connected, and get support.

With the right guidance and preparation, you can make this difficult transition as stress-free as possible for your family.

The key is staying informed, communicating effectively, and always keeping the children’s best interests in mind.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need my ex-spouse’s permission to move out of Nevada with my child after divorce?

Generally, yes. Nevada law requires permission from your ex-spouse or the court to relocate with a child if it will substantially impact the current custody/visitation arrangement.

What if my ex-spouse refuses to agree to let me move?

You can file a motion with the court requesting relocation permission. You’ll have to show it’s in the child’s best interests. The court will review factors like quality of life, health, education, relationship with each parent, etc.

How does filing a motion to relocate work?

You file the motion with the court, serve your ex-spouse, attend mediation if required, and argue your case at a court hearing. Provide a proposed parenting plan and evidence supporting the move.

What expenses should I expect when relocating out of state with a child?

Relocation costs can include temporary housing, transporting belongings, hiring movers, security deposits, buying/renting new furniture, changing schools, travel for visits, etc. Budget accordingly.

Can I lose custody if I move without permission?

It’s possible. Relocating without the court’s or your ex’s permission violates Nevada law. Your ex could file for sole physical custody. Consult an attorney before making any moves.

How can we manage long-distance parenting?

Propose a plan with visitation schedules, virtual contact via video chat, phone calls, vacation time together, allocating travel costs, etc. Communicate often about your child’s needs.

Will relocating affect my child support obligation?

Possibly. The court may adjust support orders based on changes to custody, incomes, cost of living differences, travel costs, etc. Don’t stop existing payments until ordered.

What if my ex doesn’t comply with visitation orders post-move?

Document everything and file for contempt of court. Seek make-up visitation time. But don’t deny your ex’s court-ordered visitation in retaliation.

How can I help my child with this significant transition?

Reassure them. Explain the situation and answer their questions. Involve them in preparations. Keep routines consistent. Connect with local resources like schools, activities, and support groups.

Where can I get legal advice about relocating with my child?

Consult a divorce/family law attorney who understands Nevada’s relocation laws. They can advise you on the best course of action for your situation. Don’t go through this alone.


Child custody: The care, control, and maintenance of a child the court awards. There are two types – physical custody and legal custody.

Contempt of court: Willful disobedience or disregard of a court order or judgment.

Custodial parent: The parent who has primary physical custody of the child and with whom the child resides.

Filing a motion: Submitting a written request to the court asking for a ruling or order on a specific point.

Joint custody: Both parents share decision-making rights, responsibilities, and authority relating to the health, education, and welfare of a child.

Legal custody: The right to make important life decisions about a child’s upbringing, including education, health care, and religious training.

Mediation: A process where divorcing parents try to resolve disputes with the help of a neutral third party called a mediator.

Non-custodial parent: The parent who does not have primary physical custody but typically has visitation rights.

Parenting plan: A written plan describing each parent’s rights and responsibilities. It covers custody, visitation schedules, holiday rotations, etc.

Physical custody: The right to have a child live with you and handle day-to-day decisions.

Relocation: When a parent wants to move a child’s residence far enough to impact existing custody/visitation substantially.

Sole custody: One parent has full legal and physical custody while the other has limited supervised visitation rights.

Visitation rights: Outlines when a non-custodial parent can spend time with and see their children.

Additional Resources for You

For those navigating the complexities of divorce, it’s important to have access to reliable and comprehensive resources. Our lead attorney, Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., has not only represented numerous clients with exceptional skill and dedication but has also created a suite of informative resources to support you during this challenging time. Here’s an overview of the valuable guides and articles available to you:

  1. Las Vegas Divorce Attorney: A detailed guide to understanding the intricacies of divorce proceedings in Las Vegas, offering insights and advice for those seeking legal support in the region.

  2. Nevada Divorce: An extensive resource focusing on divorce laws and processes specific to the state of Nevada, tailored to help residents navigate their cases with greater clarity.

  3. Surviving Divorce: A supportive guide offering strategies and tips to manage the emotional and practical challenges of going through a divorce.

  4. What Happens If You Don’t Sign Divorce Papers: An informative article addressing the implications and legal considerations if one party refuses to sign divorce papers.

  5. Do I Need an Attorney to Get a Divorce: A crucial read for those contemplating whether legal representation is necessary for their divorce proceedings.

  6. What is a Collaborative Divorce: An in-depth look at the collaborative divorce process, highlighting its benefits and how it differs from traditional divorce proceedings.

  7. How to Win a Divorce: Strategic insights and advice for those looking to navigate their divorce proceedings with a focus on favorable outcomes.

  8. Switching Lawyers During Divorce: Guidance on how and when it might be necessary to change legal representation during a divorce.

  9. How Long Does a Divorce Take in Nevada: An article providing a timeline and factors that affect the duration of divorce proceedings in Nevada.

  10. High Conflict Divorce: Insights into navigating a divorce characterized by high levels of disagreement and tension between parties.

  11. Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer: A comprehensive list of important questions to consider when consulting with a divorce lawyer, ensuring you’re fully prepared and informed.

Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., is committed to providing accessible and authoritative resources to assist you in your time of need, guiding you through the legal maze of divorce with expertise and compassion.

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

Here are some offsite resources that may be beneficial for those considering moving out of Nevada with their child after divorce:

  1. Nevada Revised Statutes: NRS 125C.200 – Relocation of Child: This is the official text of the Nevada law that governs the relocation of a child after a custody determination. It provides detailed information on the legal requirements and process.

  2. FindLaw – Nevada Child Custody Laws: FindLaw provides a comprehensive guide on Nevada’s child custody laws, which will help in understanding the legal implications of moving with a child after divorce.

  3. JustAnswer – Ask a Lawyer: JustAnswer allows you to pose legal questions to licensed attorneys, including queries about moving out of Nevada with a child after divorce.

  4. Avvo – Nevada Family Law Questions & Answers: Avvo provides a platform where you can ask questions and receive answers from attorneys, including those concerning child custody and relocation post-divorce in Nevada.

Ask an Attorney

Our lead attorney, Molly Rosenblum, Esq answers tough legal questions in these videos.

Does the Court Consider Domestic Violence in a Custody Case?

Can a Child Have a Say in Custody Decisions

Does a Parent's Sexual Orientation Affect Child Custody in Nevada?

What is a Parenting Plan?

Can Substance Abuse Affect Your Custody Case?

A Special Message from Our Lead Attorney

Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Have you found yourself needing to hire a Las Vegas Divorce Attorney?

Look no further than The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm!

We have years of experience handling divorce cases, ensuring the outcome is fair and balanced.

Our top-notch staff will work with you every step, giving their full attention and expertise to solve your case efficiently.

Let us take care of it so you can focus on other things during this challenging process.

Here at The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm, we truly understand what our clients are going through and want nothing more than for them to resolve any legal issues related to divorces successfully.

So call us now at (702) 433-2889 for an initial consultation – let’s get started on putting your life back together again!

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