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Nevada Child Support Las Vegas Child Support Laws

Nevada Child Support

You Have Rights and Options

Why Did Nevada Change The Child Support Laws and What Changed Exactly?

Federal law requires each state to re-consider its child support laws every 4 years. People receiving and paying it in Nevada, along with others, told the Nevada Legislature it was time for a change. 
So that’s why Nevada lawmakers decided to change the laws…but you might be asking “what changed?”
In a nutshell, everything!
Nevada lawmakers gave us better definitions for “what is considered income when calculating Nevada child support?” They also told us who would be responsible for paying child support and who could receive it. 
Lawmakers also considered special circumstances when calculating child support like “what happens when a parent who is supposed to pay is incarcerated?” 
– Or –
Are both parents responsible for day-care costs for a child?
Under the OLD statutes, these circumstances were not expressly written down so judges had a hard time awarding child support under these, and other special circumstances. This led to really inconsistent rulings, lots of appeals and really unhappy parents. With the new laws, parents should find more consistent rulings from their family court judge. 
While this information is great, what you really need to know is that there are 4 major changes to the child support statutes:
Change #1: There are no longer any statutory caps on child support. 
This means that if you are a high income earner, or if your child support was reduced under the old statutes down to the “max” (or statutory cap), the caps will no longer apply. So, if you are supposed to pay, the calculations will be performed and you will no longer get a break downward to a presumptive maximum support. 
Change #2: There are also no minimums for support.
Just like there is no maximum amount of support, there are no longer minimum contributions for a parent for support. It used to be that a parent would be required to pay $100 per month per child. Under the new statutes, this is no longer the case. 
Change #3: The percentages and calculations have changed.
This is probably the biggest change to the Nevada Laws. The percentages are different and based on a tiered scale of income. For more information on this change, keep reading or check out our child support calculator to skip straight to the new support calculations. 
Change #4: The new laws explain how child support ends.
For parents and child support lawyers this is SUPER helpful because the old statutes did not give any guidance on how to end child support. With the new laws, the procedure and circumstances for ending child support are crystal clear. 
So now that you know why changes to laws were made and what the major changes are, let’s get into how those changes might affect you! it

Despite the fact that less people are getting behind the wheel impaired, DUIs still happen daily in Las Vegas.

In this guide, we break down Nevada DUIs and explain the DUI process from start to finish.

But…before we get into the details of Nevada DUI, let’s first explain the laws.

What is considered “income” for the purposes of Nevada child support?

This might sound totally crazy but under the old laws judges could use whatever they wanted to as income in order to calculate child support. 
This meant that if you received a driving allowance from your employer or if your employer contributed to your 401(k) plan, your family court judge could consider this income and raise your child support payment. 
Because there was no good explanation of what judges could and could not consider, every judge would consider different things as “income.” This led to some wild decisions and very inconsistent rulings. 

So . . .when the legislature was tasked with fixing the Nevada Child Support Laws, it’s not surprising that one of the first things they fixed was how to define income for the purposes of calculating support. 

Under the new laws here’s what your judge will consider as income:
✔  Salary and wages from employment: This one is pretty basic and really needs no explanation. It’s just your pay.
✔ Overtime pay from employment as long as the overtime is consistent, substantial and can be accurately determined: We expect this one to create problems as most people don’t have “consistent” overtime. The legislature didn’t define what “substantial” means either is it 10% of regular wages or 50%? We expect that if you have overtime ever check or every other check and your overtime accounts for at least 20% of your wages, you should expect your overtime pay to be factored into a calculation
✔  Interest and investment income: If you are receiving income from stocks, rental income from an investment home or other investment income, this will be used in child support calculations. 
✔  Social security disability benefits: We know you’re thinking “but this is federal payments. How can the State consider this income?” Long story short, both federal and state laws consider disability payments as income for the purposes of calculating child support. 
✔  Old-age benefits under federal law: Think Social Security and other benefits you might get for being a certain age. 
✔  Pensions payments and retirement payments: If you are receiving pension or retirement payments, this will be factored into income to calculate child support. 
✔  Annuity payments from employment: Just like pension payments, annuity payments from income will also be used to calculate child support
✔  Proceeds from a worker’s compensation claim: The only portion that can be used for child support is the part intended to replace income. So let’s say work comp says you are 100% disabled and you receive $1,000 a month in work comp payments of which $500 is for pain and suffering and $500 is for lost income, the only part that can be used for child support calculations is the $500 for lost income
✔  Proceeds from a personal injury claim: This work just like the worker’s compensation claim. Only the amount  intended to replace income can be used for child support calculations. 
✔  Unemployment: This one really needs no explanation. If you receive unemployment pay, you should expect to pay child support from that benefit. 
✔  Income continuation benefits: Here, think severance pay. 
✔  Voluntary contributions to a deferred compensation plan, employee benefit plan or profit sharing plan: If you defer your pay, the judge will still use it for the purposes of calculations. 
✔  Military allowances/Veteran’s benefits: This only applies for certain benefits being received by the military parent. 
✔  Compensation for lost wages: If you have sued and are receiving a settlement for lost wages, or other lost wage compensation, you should expect this will factor into child support.
✔  Undistributed business income: If you own or have an interest in a business, the undistributed business income will be considered.
✔  Child care subsidy payments: If you are a child care provider, any child care subsidy payments you receive will be considered for child support.
✔  Alimony: That’s right! If you receive alimony, you should anticipate that your alimony will be used as income for the purposes of calculating child support. 
✔  The catchall: All other income regardless of whether or not it is taxable will be considered for the purposes of child support. 
If you’ve read this far, you might be thinking “WOW! That’s everything…is there anything that is NOT considered income for support purposes?”
The answer? YES! 
The legislature tells us that the following WILL NOT be considered as income for calculating child support:
✔ Child support received: If you receive child support, this will not be considered income for the child support calculations
✔ Foster care payments: If you have foster children in your home and receive a subsidy for foster care, this will not be used in child support
✔ Kingap: Kingap is payments for foster children under a guardianship. This is not considered “income”
✔ SNAP: These benefits will not be used to calculate child support
✔ Cash county benefits: If you receive any type of cash benefit paid by the county (and we presume any other government entity like the City or State), this will not be considered for child support 
✔ Other benefits not considered income: SSI payments, State supplemental payments, social services, other public assistance unless the legislature has specifically said it will count as income, pain and suffering awarded in a law suit, general damages and special damages awarded in a lawsuit not intended to replace income
How do the child support calculations work and what happens when parents agree to a child support amount? Keep readin

How is child support calculated under the new laws?

Great question. Unfortunately, the answer is now even more complicated. 


The laws do away with straight percentages and statutory caps based on income. 


Now child support is calculated using a tiered percentage system. 


To make it even more complicated, the new statutes offer relief for low income earners, parents who are unemployed, parents who are incarcerated and parents who agree on a number. 


But…we’re getting ahead of ourselves. . . 


Let’s take a look at the new figures for child support and work through some examples.


If you are a standard, moderate or high income earner, child support will be based on the following table:


Income1 Child2 Children3 Children4 Children5 Children or more
For the first $6,000 of income16%22%26%28%2% for each additional child
For up to the next $4,000 of income8%11%13%14%1% for each additional child
For any amount over the first $10,000 of income4%6%6%7%.5% for each additional child
Looks confusing right? Well it is so here’s some examples of how child support will work under the new formula:


Example #1: Parent 1 earns $5,000 a month income and Parent 2 earns $3,000 a month in income. They have 1 child and have joint physical custody. 


Parent 1’s obligation is 16% of $5,000 or $800 a month. Parent 2’s obligation is 16% of $3,000 or $480 a month. Because Parent 1 is the higher wage earner, Parent 1 will pay Parent 2 the difference or $800 minus $480. Parent 1’s child support to be paid to Parent 2 is $320.


Example #2: Let’s assume the same income as Example #1 but Parent 1 has primary custody. We will then take Parent 1’s income completely out of the equation and will only look at Parent 2’s income. 


Using the same numbers as Example #1: Parent 2 earns $3,000 a month in income. Parent 2 will pay Parent 1 16% of $3,000 for child support. Therefore, Parent 2 owes Parent 1 $480 a month for support. 


These two examples are pretty similar to how it worked under the old formulas. But when we start to look at higher income earning parents, the calculations start to get more complicated. Here’s a couple of examples:


Example #3: Parent 1 earns $13,000 a month in income and Parent 2 earns $7,500 a month. They have joint custody of 3 children. 


Parent 1’s child support will be 26% of the first $6,000 for $1560 a month; 13% of the next $4,000 for $520; and 6% of the next $3,000 for $180. This means Parent 1’s obligation is $1560 + $520 + $180 for a total obligation of $2,260 a month. (Remember there is no more statutory maximum).


Parent 2’s child support will be 26% of the first $6,000 for $1560 a month; and 13% of the next $1,500 for $195 per month. Parent 2’s obligation is $1560 + $195 for a total child support obligation of $1755 per month. 


Because Parent 1 earns more than Parent 2 and they have joint physical custody, Parent 1 will pay Parent 2 the difference between $2260 and $1755. So Parent 1’s child support obligation to Parent 2 is $505 per month. 


Example #4: Parent 1 earns $15,000 a month and Parent 2 earns $3,000 a month and they have 1 child. Parent 2 has primary custody.
Because Parent 2 has primary custody, we do not consider Parent 2’s income and will only look at child support owed by Parent 1. Parent 1 owes $16% from the first $6,000 for  a support obligation of $960 a month; 8% from the next $4,000 for a support obligation of $320 a month; and 4% of the next $5,000 for a support obligation of $200 a month. Adding it together Parent 1 owes Parent 2 $1,480 per month in child support.


We get it…it’s a lot of math. 
And it starts to get more complicated when custody isn’t the same for all children between two parents. For example, when a parent has primary custody of one child but the parents share custody of 2 other children, the formulas get even more complicated. 
Fortunately, we’ve created a child support calculator so you don’t have to do all of the math yourself.


If you’ve read this far, you are probably thinking “this is crazy! Can’t my ex and I just agree on a number?”


Keep reading for more answers!

Agreements For Child Support

Under the new statutes parents are allowed to just agree to an amount for child support. This is a big change from the old laws because lawyers used to have to jump through hoops to convince a judge to accept an agreement between parents for child support.


Again the answer is YES! As parents you and your ex can agree to an amount.


But . . . you must follow the rules to get your agreement accepted by your family court judge:


First, your agreement must be in writing. The judge isn’t just going to take your word for it that you and your ex agreed that neither would pay child support. The best practice is to get a Stipulation and Order filed with the Court the explains your agreement.


Second, even if you and your ex reach an agreement on the child support amount, your written agreement must explain what child support should be if you used the new calculations.


Third, your written Nevada agreement must explain what each parent’s gross monthly income is. Use the child support guidelines above to establish income for each parent; however, under the new laws, parents can agree as to what their incomes are for the purposes of an agreement on child support.


Fourth, you must include a statement that your child IS NOT receiving any public assistance.


Fifth, you must include a statement that your child’s basic needs are met or exceeded by the amount.


Sixth, you must include a statement that if either parent changes their mind or no longer agrees with the child support amount, you both understand that the new amount will be calculated by the judge using the child support formulas.


BEWARE: Your family court judge can deny any agreement made if the judge believes the agreement is coerced OR does not meet the child’s basic needs.

What Is The Child Support Calculation When Only 1 Parent Works?

This question comes up a bunch in child support cases. The answer depends on WHY your ex isn’t working.

If a parent is incarcerated or in a mental institution (yes this happens from time to time), the new law says that this parent’s income is $0 if the parent is institutionalized or imprisoned for more than 180 days.

In plain language, if a parent goes to prison for 1 year, they will not have to pay child support. Likewise, if a parent is in a mental institution for 5 years, they will not have to pay support.

However, if you can show the judge that the institutionalized parent or imprisoned parent can actually pay child support regardless of their circumstances, then the child can still make a child support award against them.

For example, let’s say that your ex has $100,000 in a bank account but is going to prison for 9 months. Under the new statute, the judge could make a finding that even though your ex is incarcerated for over 180 days, they still have the means to pay child support and therefore, it should be ordered. 

The judge will consider incarceration or institutionalization a substantial change in circumstance and can modify child support. What this means is that if your ex was ordered to pay $500 a month but got sentenced to 5 years in prison, your ex can take you back to Court and argue that child support should be set at $0 because your ex is going to be incarcerated for over 180 days. 
If the incarcerated or institutionalized parent gets out, child support will begin on the first day of the next month following their release.
So now your wondering “that’s great, but my ex isn’t incarcerated or institutionalized. They just don’t want to work. Cant the judge still order them to pay child support?”
Again the answer here is YES! If the judge decides there is no reason for a non-custodial parent to be unemployed or if the judge finds a parent is purposefully underemployed, the judge can decide what the parent’s income should be for the purpose of calculating child support. 

But the judge can’t just make up any old number. Instead, the new laws require your family court judge to look at the following factors to decide on a number for the person who is underemployed or unemployed:

  • Assets
  • Residence
  • Employment and earnings history
  • Job skills
  • Education
  • Literacy
  • Age
  • Health
  • Criminal history and other employment barriers
  • Record of seeking work
  • The job market
  • The availability of employers willing to hire the parent
  • The prevailing earnings level in the local community
  • Any other relevant information

Am I Required To Contribute More For My Child Or Is Everything Included In My Child Support?

With the old laws, it used to be simple. I’d have a non-custodial parent call me and say that they needed more money because of day-care costs or extra-curricular expenses. Unfortunately, we’d have to break the news to them that the child support statutes only considered child support and unless their ex agreed or the Court ordered otherwise, child support was intended to cover all of the expenses for their child. 


Well . . . that was then and this is now!


Under the new statutes day-care costs/child care expenses must be split so long as they are reasonable. Sadly, the legislature didn’t tell us what they meant by “reasonable” but we are pretty sure we can guess. 


For example, if both parents work and use Safe Key for their children after school, there is a good chance the judge is going to order that the parents share this cost.


As another example, if both parents are low income earners and one parent wants to be reimbursed for paying their mom $1,000 a week to watch the children, chances are the judge is going to say this is unreasonable and not make a parent share in this cost. 


KEY TAKEAWAY: As long as the child care cost is reasonable, you can expect the judge to split this cost between the parents. 


In addition to day-care expenses, the new laws require that parents split the cost of the child’s medical needs. This includes ALL medical, dental and vision premium payments and out of pocket expenses. 
There are a couple of exceptions to the medical requirements:
First, Medicaid and CHIP are presumed to meet the medical needs of a child. So if your child is on Medicaid, you will not have to purchase additional insurance for your child under the new laws.
Second, you are not obligated to pay for a national plan of insurance for your child. If you live in Nevada and your ex lives in California and your children live in Nevada, you do not have to buy a plan that covers your children in California. 
Third, the cost of insurance cannot exceed 5% of a parent’s gross monthly income. For example, if you make $1,000 a month but the health insurance would cost $500 a month, you are not obligated to purchase this plan of insurance. 


Finally, the judge can order more or less child support under certain circumstances and depending on your child’s needs. 


In creating the new laws and calculations, your family court judge will assume that your child support, as calculated under the new formulas, meets your child’s needs. 


You can argue to the judge that paying the calculated amount exceeds the child’s needs if you think you are paying too much. 
Or, if you are receiving too little in child support, you can argue to the judge that you don’t think it is enough money. 


If your judge changes child support, up or down, from the calculation, the judge must explain WHY changes were made.


The judge will consider the following factors to change child support up or down:


✔ Special education needs of the child
✔ Legal responsibility for support of others
✔ Value of services contributed by either party
✔ Public assistance paid to support the child
✔ Cost of transportation to and from visitation
✔ Relative income of both households
✔ Necessary expenses for the benefit of the child
✔ The parent’s ability to pay

When Does Child Support End?

You would think this question wouldn’t be that complicated but under the new Nevada child support laws, it’s not an easy answer. 
To make it the least complicated, we break child support into three categories:
  • Category 1: You have child support that only pertains to 1 child
  • Category 2: You have child support that pertains to more than 1 child and you have allocated an amount for each child
  • Category 3: You have child support that pertains to more than 1 child and you HAVE NOT allocated an amount for each child. 
Let’s break down when child support ends by each category:
Category #1: You have a child support amount and only 1 child
This one should be pretty easy. Let’s say you and your ex agreed that you would receive child support in the amount of $500 per month and you only have 1 child together. 
In this case, if your child has already graduated from high school before they turn 18, child support ends when your child turns 18. 
If your child is still in high school at the time they turn 18, child support ends when your child turns 19 OR when your child graduates from high school whichever occurs first. 
For example, let’s say you have a senior in high school who turns 18 on October 1, 2019 but doesn’t graduate until May 20, 2020. Child support will continue until your child’s graduation date of May 20, 2020. 
As another example, let’s say your child graduates from high school on May 20, 2020 but turns 18 on July 1, 2020. Child support continues until your child turns 18, July 1, 2020. 
Last example, let’s say your child turns 19 on April 30, 2020 but graduates from high school on May 20, 2020. Child support ends when your child turns 19 on April 30, 2020. 
Category #1 is pretty straightforward and easy to understand. Category #2 is a little more complicated.
Category #2: You and your ex have a child support order and have agreed how much support will be paid for each child
Like we said this one is a little more complicated. Let’s say you and your ex have 2 children and your ex pays $1,000 per month in total support and you have agreed your ex’s child support is $500 per month per child. You have a support award but you’ve allocated a specific amount per child. 
In this scenario, the obligation for a particular child ends on the first day of the month following the date on which the child turns 18, unless the child is still in high school at the time the child turns 18. If the child is still in high school at 18 years old, then child support ends on the first day of the month following the date on which the child graduates OR turns 19 whichever occurs first. 
For example, you have a son that is still in high school and turns 18 on October 1, 2019 and a daughter that turns 18 on July 1, 2022. Your son graduates June 1, 2020 and your daughter graduates June 1, 2022. 
In this scenario, child support for your son will end, July 1, 2020. Why? Your son turns 18 in October but is still in high school so child support continues until the first day of the month following his graduation date of June 1, 2020. This means child support stops as of July 1, 2020. Following this, you will only have to pay $500 per month until child support for your daughter ends. 
Child support for your daughter in this scenario will end August 1, 2022. Why? Your daughter graduates from high school June 1, 2022 but is still 17. She turns 18 on July 1, 2022. Child support stops the first day of the next month after she turns 18 or August 1, 2022. 
Category #3: You and your ex have a child support order, more than 1 child but you have not decided how much support is being paid for each child
This one is more complicated than Category #1 and requires more work than Category #2. 
Child support ends in the same way as it does like Category #2: when the child turns 18 or if still in high school then when the child turns 19 or graduates whichever comes first. 
However, in order to change child support where you haven’t allocated a specific amount per child, you will either need to reach an agreement with your ex for a new amount OR you have to file a motion with the Court to change your child support. 
If you file a motion, you need to consider two things:
First, child support will be calculated based upon the laws at the time your motion is filed
So let’s say you have a child support order for 3 children under the old laws (25% of your gross monthly income) but 1 child will emancipate in May 2020. If you and your ex don’t agree to a new amount of child support, you will need to file a motion and your new child support obligation will be based on the new laws of tiered support beginning at 18% of your gross monthly income with no cap.  
Second, if you file a motion to change child support, the child support change will only go back to when you filed your motion, NOT to when your child emancipated. 
Using our example above, you have 3 children with a child support order under the old laws. 1 child emancipates in June 2020, but you wait until December 2020 to file a motion to change your child support. The new child support will be effective from the time your motion was filed in December 2020 not from when your child emancipated in June 2020. 
Yeah like we said .  .  . it’s complicated. If you think you need the help of a family law attorney, keep reading. 

Do I Need A Child Support Lawyer & If So, How Do I Find One?

By now you should know that our firm encourages people to reach agreements on their own, and we don’t encourage people to spend their hard earned money hiring lawyers for the sake of it.

But the real truth?

These new laws are complicated and difficult to understand.

We know the committee worked really hard to make the new laws fair, but the math and the nuances are tricky.

If you are opening a new case, pursuing a child custody case, or trying to modify an existing custody or child support case, we strongly encourage you to hire a child support lawyer.

Not sure where to find a Las Vegas attorney?

Well, if you are reading this article and you haven’t figured it out by now, we are child support lawyers and we can definitely help with your case. You can inquire about our services by calling our office at (702) 433-2889 or filing out our on-line form to get more information.

Not sure you want to hire us?

You can find research about other lawyers by doing a simple search on the internet for child support lawyers in your area. Just make sure when you talk to them that they are familiar with the new laws and understand how the calculations work.

You can also contact the State Bar of Nevada’s lawyer referral service to get the contact information for child support lawyers. Finally, you can ask other lawyers if they know anyone familiar with the child support laws in Nevada.

Regardless of who you use for your child support case, we hope you found this information helpful. If so, we’d love to hear your feedback and input. Please send us your comments or share this article on social media.


Frequently Asked Questions

How often can child support orders be modified?

Either parent can request the court modify the child support order if there has been a substantial change in circumstances, such as a loss of job or major change in income. However, the court generally will not modify child support more than once every three years unless there are exceptional circumstances.

What if the non-custodial parent lives in another state?

The child support guidelines of the state where the custodial parent resides will be used to calculate support. The order can be enforced across state lines under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.

What happens if I am behind on my child support payments?

You should immediately work with the other parent to come to a payment plan if you fall behind. If you cannot resolve it, your wages, tax refunds or other assets may be garnished to collect back child support owed. Contempt of court charges are also a possibility.

Can child support be waived by the custodial parent?

No, child support belongs to the child, not the parent. Custodial parents cannot waive the child’s right to support, even if they agree not to pursue child support from the other parent.

If custody changes, does child support also change?

Yes, a change in physical custody will require child support to be recalculated based on the new custody arrangement and each parent’s income and custodial time. Speak to an attorney to modify support.

Is child support taxable income?

No, child support payments are not considered taxable income to the receiving parent or tax deductions for the paying parent.


Child support order – The legal document issued by the court that sets the amount of child support to be paid and the terms of payment.

Custodial parent – The parent that has primary physical custody of the child and is receiving child support payments from the non-custodial parent.

Emancipation – When a child reaches the age of majority (18 in most states) or is otherwise legally declared an adult, ending the legal duty to pay child support.

Imputed income – Income that is assigned to a parent by the court based on what the parent could potentially earn, used when a parent is unemployed or underemployed.

Modification – The process of changing an existing child support order by submitting a written request to the court showing a substantial change in circumstances.

Non-custodial parent – The parent who does not have primary physical custody of the child and is responsible for paying child support.

Public assistance – Government financial aid programs like Medicaid, SNAP, TANF that may impact how child support is calculated and paid.

Termination – When the obligation to pay child support ends, either because the child has reached the age of emancipation or based on the terms of the child support order.

Underemployed – When a parent is employed but not working to their full earning capacity for the purposes of avoiding higher child support.

Unemployed – When a parent has no job or source of income. Unemployed parents may have income imputed by the court.

Additional Resources for You

Molly Rosenblum, Esq., our lead attorney, has diligently developed a comprehensive suite of resources aimed at assisting individuals navigating the complexities of child support laws and modifications. These resources, available through the Rosenblum Law website, are designed to provide valuable insights, guidance, and legal advice for a variety of situations involving child support. Whether you are seeking to modify child support payments, understand how a new spouse’s income may affect child support, or are dealing with child support arrears, these resources offer in-depth information to help you through your legal journey. Here’s a summary of the resources created to assist you:

  1. Child Support Modification: Guidance on how to request a modification of child support payments, including the necessary legal criteria and process. Explore child support modification.

  2. Does My New Spouse Income Count for Child Support: Information on how a new spouse’s income may or may not affect your child support obligations. Learn about new spouse income and child support.

  3. How to Get Child Support Arrears Dismissed: Advice on the possibilities and processes for getting child support arrears dismissed under certain circumstances. Understand child support arrears dismissal.

  4. Who Has to Pay Child Support in Joint Custody: Insight into child support obligations in situations of joint custody, including factors that influence payment responsibilities. Learn about child support in joint custody.

  5. Las Vegas Child Support Laws: Detailed information on the child support laws governing cases in Las Vegas, offering a clear understanding of legal responsibilities and rights. Explore Las Vegas child support laws.

Through these resources, Molly Rosenblum, Esq., aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the child support system effectively. We encourage you to make use of these resources, ensuring that you are well-informed and prepared to address any child support-related issues you may face.

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

Here are seven offsite resources that provide information about child support in Nevada:

  1. FindLaw: This online resource provides free legal information, a lawyer directory, and other resources on a wide range of legal topics, including child support.

  2. Justia: Justia offers free legal information, a directory of attorneys for various legal issues, and a specific section on family law and child support.

  3. Avvo: This website provides a directory of lawyers, including those in Nevada, legal advice, and other resources on a broad range of legal topics, including child support.

  4. Nolo: Nolo provides legal information to consumers and small businesses, including articles, blogs, FAQs, and news on child support issues.

  5. LegalMatch: This online legal matching service helps individuals find lawyers in their area, including Nevada, and provides advice and resources on family law matters, including child support.

  6. The Nevada Bar Association: The official website of the Nevada State Bar offers resources for finding a lawyer, including those who specialize in family law and child support.

  7. Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services: The official website for the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, which manages the child support program in Nevada. It provides information about the child support process, rights, and options in Nevada.

A Special Message from Our Lead Attorney

Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Dear Reader,

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to explore the child support resources that we’ve compiled. I understand the challenges and complexities that often come hand-in-hand with child support matters, and my hope is that these resources can provide you with some initial guidance and understanding.

However, I also recognize that every situation is distinct, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to matters as personal as child support. That is why my team and I at The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm are here to provide you with tailored advice and support based on your unique circumstances.

I would like to invite you to call us at (702) 433-2889. Let’s begin the conversation about your specific situation, explore the available options, and determine together the most appropriate course of action. We stand ready to provide the legal advice and guidance you need every step of the way.

Thank you once again for your trust in our resources, and I look forward to potentially working with you soon.

Best regards,

Molly Rosenblum, Esq.

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