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How to Wina Divorce in Las Vegas

How to Get the Best Result in Your Las Vegas Divorce

Tips for Navigating the Divorce Process and Getting a Favorable Outcome

Going through a divorce is never easy. But with the right legal help and preparation, you can get the best possible result in your Las Vegas divorce.

Below are some tips to get you started in the right direction.

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Choose the Right Lawyer

Your lawyer is your most important ally. Find an experienced divorce attorney who knows Nevada law inside out—research to find someone who specializes in divorce and has a good record of favorable settlements. Meet with a few lawyers before deciding. Pick someone you feel comfortable with.

Gather Financial Documents

You must provide details on all assets, debts, incomes, and expenses. Gather tax returns, bank statements, investment and retirement accounts, credit card statements, mortgage documents, and anything else financial. Being organized saves time and legal fees.

Know Nevada Divorce Laws

Nevada is a “community property” state. This means all assets and debts acquired during marriage are divided equally. There are exceptions. An experienced lawyer can help you understand what is considered separate vs communal property.

Consider Mediation

Mediation can save time and money over prolonged litigation. You and your spouse meet with a mediator to try to reach agreement on divorce terms. Many cases settle through mediation. It doesn’t work for high conflict divorces.

Don't Argue Over Every Little Thing

Decide what’s worth fighting for and what you can compromise on. Argue over big-ticket items like the house or retirement funds. Let the more minor stuff go. The less you argue, the faster and smoother your divorce.

Be Reasonable With Requests

Courts look for fairness. Make requests that are ethical and realistic. Don’t try to punish your spouse or get 100% your way. Negotiate in good faith. It increases your odds of a favorable outcome.

Finish Line

Breaking It Down for You

With legal expertise in your corner and a cooperative approach, you can achieve the best possible terms in your Las Vegas divorce. Know your rights and stay focused on a fair result.

Why You Haven't Hired a Las Vegas Divorce Attorney Yet

Watch this short video to take the next big step toward getting divorced.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if my spouse and I can’t agree on how to divide our assets?

If you and your spouse can’t agree on dividing your assets and debts, the court will decide based on Nevada law. The court will aim for an equitable division based on factors like length of marriage, earning abilities, and asset origin.

Should I change my will before the divorce is finalized?

Yes, updating your will, beneficiaries, and powers of attorney before the divorce is finalized is a good idea. Otherwise, your soon-to-be ex-spouse may still be entitled to inherit assets or have control over your healthcare and finances.

How long does it take to finalize a divorce in Nevada?

The typical timeframe is 4-6 months. However, complex cases with disputed assets, child custody disputes, or high net worth can take a year or longer. The more issues you can agree on upfront, the faster the process usually goes.

What about child custody and support?

For couples with children, custody and child support will need to be addressed. Custody includes both physical custody and legal decision-making authority. Child support is determined based on income, custody share, and the child’s needs.

Should I change the beneficiary on my life insurance policy?

Yes, if your spouse is still listed as the beneficiary on your life insurance or retirement accounts, you’ll want to change that. Otherwise those assets could still pass to your ex after the divorce.

How soon can I remarry after my divorce?

The soonest you can remarry is when the divorce decree is issued. There is no waiting period in Nevada. However, it’s wise not to rush into another marriage too quickly after divorcing.



Community property: In Nevada and other community property states, assets and debts acquired during the marriage are jointly owned by both spouses. They are divided equally in a divorce.

Separate property: Assets owned by one spouse before the marriage or acquired by gift or inheritance during the marriage. Separate property is not divided in divorce.

Mediation: An alternative dispute resolution process where a neutral third party (mediator) helps divorcing couples negotiate and settle issues out of court.

Litigation: The traditional divorce process where spouses litigate unresolved issues in family court and let a judge make final decisions.

Divorce decree: The final court judgment granting the divorce and outlining all the terms, such as asset division, alimony, and child custody.

Physical custody: Which parent the children live with most of the time after divorce. It can be sole custody to one parent or joint/shared custody.

Legal custody: Decision-making authority for major decisions about a child’s health, education, religion, etc. It can be sole or joint/shared.

Child support: The amount the non-custodial parent pays to support the children after divorce financially. Based on state guidelines.

Alimony: Also called spousal support. Money paid by one ex-spouse to the other for living expenses post-divorce. Not all divorces involve alimony.

Equitable division: The court seeks a fair and just division of assets and debts based on factors like length of marriage, income, and custody.

More Resources for You

Additional Resources for You

We would like to remind our readers that in their time of need, Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq., our esteemed lead attorney, has diligently crafted an array of valuable resources. These resources are designed to guide and support you through various aspects of the divorce process. We encourage you to explore these comprehensive guides:

  1. Las Vegas Divorce Attorney: This resource offers a deep dive into navigating the complexities of divorce within Las Vegas. Find out more.

  2. Nevada Divorce: This extensive guide provides insights tailored to the specifics of undergoing a divorce in the state of Nevada. Learn more.

  3. Surviving Divorce: This guide is a beacon of support, offering strategies and advice to cope with and thrive during and after a divorce. Explore here.

  4. What Happens If You Don’t Sign Divorce Papers: An essential read for understanding the implications and next steps when one party is hesitant to sign divorce papers. Read further.

  5. Do I Need an Attorney to Get a Divorce: This resource clarifies the scenarios in which having an attorney is beneficial or necessary in the divorce process. Discover more.

  6. What is a Collaborative Divorce: This guide demystifies the concept of collaborative divorce, offering an alternative pathway through mutual agreement. Uncover details.

  7. Switching Lawyers During Divorce: A must-read for individuals considering a change in legal representation mid-divorce. Understand your options.

  8. How Long Does a Divorce Take in Nevada: This guide provides a timeline and factors that influence the duration of the divorce process in Nevada. Get informed.

  9. High Conflict Divorce: A specialized resource for navigating through a divorce characterized by high levels of discord and conflict. Navigate the complexities.

  10. Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer: A comprehensive list of critical questions to pose to your divorce lawyer to ensure you are fully informed and prepared. Prepare your questions.

Molly Rosenblum Allen, Esq. is committed to providing support and clarity during these challenging times through these meticulously prepared resources.

Offsite Resources

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

Here are some resources that can provide more information and support for those navigating a divorce in Nevada:

  1. State Bar of Nevada: The official site of the Nevada State Bar, providing resources including a lawyer referral service.

  2. Nevada Courts: The official website of the Nevada Judiciary, with resources on court processes, forms, and locations.

  3. Nevada Law Help: This site provides resources and self-help materials for a variety of legal issues, including divorce.

  4. Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada: This non-profit law firm provides free legal counsel for low-income individuals, including family law matters.

  5. Avvo: Avvo offers a Q&A forum where users can ask legal questions and get answers from lawyers, as well as a directory of lawyers by specialty.

  6. FindLaw: FindLaw provides free legal information, a lawyer directory, and other resources.

A Special Message from Our Lead Attorney


Molly Rosenblum, Esq

Thank you for reading through these helpful resources on navigating a divorce in Las Vegas.

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally difficult and complex process.

At The Rosenblum Allen Law Firm, our attorneys have extensive experience guiding clients through all aspects of divorce, including property division, child custody, and more.

We know this is a challenging time, and we’re here to support you each step of the way to get the best possible outcome.

Call our office at (702) 433-2889 when you’re ready to discuss your situation with our legal team.

We look forward to helping you move forward during this significant life transition.

We cannot offer free consultations but provide reasonable rates and payment plans.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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