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Pedestrian Safety & Traffic Tickets

Pedestrian Safety

Nevada is one of the 10 worst states for pedestrian fatalities. Almost 90% of all fatal pedestrian accidents involve locals and not tourists. Pedestrian safety is the responsibility of both the pedestrian and the motorist.

Common motorist citations
involving pedestrians occur at crosswalks. Nevada law states that a crosswalk exists at any intersection, whether there are pavement markings or not. NRS 484A.065. As a result, Nevada law requires that driver must use care to avoid a collision with a pedestrian at all times and driver must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. In the presence of school crossing guard, Nevada law requires that a driver wait for all persons, including the guard to completely clear the road before proceeding.

Not only do drivers have responsibilities to pedestrians, but pedestrians also have an obligation to obey traffic laws. For example, a pedestrian must use the sidewalk and the nearest crosswalk, pedestrian bridge or tunnel when possible. Pedestrians must obey official traffic control devices and stay in the right-hand half of the crosswalk whenever practicable. Pedestrians can be liable for an accident if they suddenly walk into the path of a vehicle such that the vehicle cannot yield to the pedestrian.

In addition, pedestrians must know the various signals and traffic control signs or be subject to a traffic citation. A steady hand means do not enter the intersection. A flashing hand means do not enter the intersection but those in the crosswalk may finish. A walking person means it is safe to enter the cross walk but a prudent pedestrian should look both ways before entering.

In order to avoid being cited as a pedestrian, walker should walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walkers should stay on the left side of the street facing traffic. Walkers should always use crosswalks and look both ways before entering a crosswalk. 

Finally, one way to avoid being injured by an inattentive driver is make sure you are seen. Stay out of a driver’s blind spot and try to make eye contact with the driver to avoid being hit by a motorist. Wear bright colors and reflective clothing and even carry a flashlight if it is dark to avoid injury from inattentive drivers.

Contact Us

The best way to avoid a traffic citation, whether you are a pedestrian or a motorist, is to be safe. If you do receive a traffic citation for failing to yield to a pedestrian, or if you are a pedestrian and received a citation for failing to obey the traffic safety laws, a qualified Las Vegas traffic ticket attorney can help. If you need a ticket attorney to assist with your Las Vegas traffic citation, contact our office today at (702) 433-2889 for more information or visit us on-line at (702) 433-2889.

Offsite Resources

Offsite Resources You May Find Helpful

Here are some resources that can provide more information and support for those interested in pedestrian safety and understanding traffic tickets:

  1. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) – Pedestrian Safety: The NHTSA provides resources on pedestrian safety and traffic rules.
  2. American Automobile Association (AAA) – Traffic Safety: AAA provides resources on traffic safety, including pedestrian safety.
  3. Safe Kids Worldwide – Pedestrian Safety: Safe Kids Worldwide provides tips and resources on pedestrian safety for children.
  4. Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC): PBIC provides resources and information on pedestrian and bicycle safety.
  5. FindLaw – Traffic Laws: FindLaw provides free legal information, a lawyer directory, and other resources related to traffic laws and tickets.
  6. Avvo: Avvo offers a Q&A forum where users can ask legal questions and get answers from lawyers, as well as a directory of lawyers by specialty.

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